How are you celebrating World Postcard Day? Share your pictures and experiences

It’s finally my turn! Happy World Postcard Day from England! Time for me to draw my addresses :confetti_ball::postbox::love_letter:


I am hosting my very first Postcrossing meetup in my city and doing a generous giveaway for the attendees tomorrow :grinning: at the venue!

Happy World Postcard Day to everyone!


Electricity went out thanks to Hurricane Ian, but it won’t stop me from celebrating! Writing my postcard by flashlight!


Thinking of you!! I hope you are safe…and I admire your dedication :flashlight::love_letter::heart:.


I am so excited about celebrating World Postcard Day for the 3rd year, but in travel mode for the first time! I will be sending a handful of cards from Riga, Latvia. While what I send may not line up with folks requests (that my huge collection back home in the states usually can support) I hope folks will still enjoy the tourist cards and that they were sent today. Enjoy the day!


Still sitting in front of my PC since 2am for writing postcards, and I have no idea, when I will sleep this night. :wink: Our mailboxes were emptied at 11am and I want it to be postmarked October 1st.
Hope the 11 ppl who will get those cards will enjoy them. (especially the one in the Hurricane Ian territory. I’m so sorry for those people. Some of them lost much. When a Postcard can give them a smile, than it’s a good thing.)
I like this date very much, but to bad that the german Postcrossing-stamp is not available yet.

This is how it looks like, when you bring your Postcards to the Box at 5:30 am in Rain, Storm and darkness. :smiley:


My boyfriend and I celebrate the WPD together! :heart: We designed a collaborative postcard showing our part of the world and hope to share it with others. Sitting down together and drawing these pictures was so much fun!

A small pile of these is waiting to be mailed… :smiley:


You have quite a variety, have you been swapping around to get so many different ones?

Happy World Postcard Day everyone! I love timezones. We still have an hour and a half here until October 1. It makes me smile to think that it’s nearly lunchtime for my friends in Malaysia, and almost evening for friends in New Zealand! I love our big wide world. I have a stack of World Postcard Day 2022 cards as well as lots of other lovely new cards to suit folks’ interests.

TODAY in the US the Charles Schultz / Charlie Brown centennial stamps were released. I know lots of Postcrossers are big fans of Snoopy and Charlie Brown, so I went to my local post office to see if they had them in. Yes! I got several sheets and am excited to decorate my cards with them, along with the new Webb Space Telescope and the Elephants stamps that also came out recently.

Edit to add: I very kindly and gently request that everyone checks their postbox and registers their cards today as soon as they can, because it might open up a slot for someone who needs it on World Postcard Day. Hope that is okay to suggest. :heart:


Happy World Postcrossing Day everyone.
These are the official postcards I have written so far

Now I’m enjoying some time on the forum before writing some more official postcards.
Have fun and enjoy the day all


Nothing fancy here. I wrote 4 official cards before breakfast so I can bring them to the post on my way to the bakery. And hopefully they will be willing to make a hand cancellation.


Seven postcards written so far, and just dropped at one of my LPOs (in cold rainy Canberra).

They are open until 6 pm and were very happy to postmark them all for me :heart:. I bought a new pen while I was there. Just in case :yum:.

I have more to write. They’ll be postmarked on Tuesday! :partying_face:


I’m here and ready to get the writing started!

Once again, for the European postcrossers: happy World Postcard Day! :tada:



I have five slots saved for today - just drawn my first address, and will space out drawing the other four throughout the day

Our postal service is celebrating…by being on strike! So the cards I send out will not be picked up until Monday, so I may not even put them out until then

Because today is also International Coffee Day, I’ve handdyed some cards with coffee and am decorating them with collage. I’ve done three and will do the other two after work.q


I am celebrating World Postcard Day by telling everyone on my Facebook group friends Of BCRT - Postage Stamp Appeal & More! I am a fundraiser and desperately need your used postage stamps from around the world.

The postcard of The Tower Of London will be sent today, but Royal Mail are on strike so they won’t be collected until Monday (yes I know I should have sent earlier!) I will be sending at least one more.

I love receiving postcards as it shows that someone is thinking about you, especially as our lives are so busy and ruled by so much technology.

Take care everyone!


I’m celebrating WPD by attending my 1st meet-up below

Here’s the venue

It’s a damn hot day :rofl:

Here’s the event

Signing cards ofc. I’m considering myself to make a stamp next time :sweat_smile: , will be easier than writing name

Here are the pictures of the participants
Total participants are like ±35 postcrossers

I sent 3 official cards only to France, Russia and Germany. Forgot to take the picture as I was hectic with signing cards :joy: . After the event we had lunch together :shrimp::fried_shrimp::squid::crab::fish:

It’s my 1st meet-up and it’s on WPD, totally had fun!! Will be attending postcrossing meet-ups again in the future when I could :confetti_ball::partying_face:

Happy World Postcard 2022 from :indonesia: Indonesia :indonesia: everyone! Hope everyone who celebrates the day enjoy it!

Bonus, I could visit my old school that's located nearby because of this meet-up

Addition , we’re on local news!!! Kemeriahan di Hari Kartupos Sedunia Halaman 1 -
Thanks to @Bravo8ss for writing the article!


I have spent my time before breakfast and the first dog walk of the day writing the first batch of my postcard. We walked by our post office to send these out today.

My dog and I are now back at home, a bit wetter than before (it is raining), but very happy. :slight_smile:


Visited the post office today to send out the WPD cards.


My cards are ready to be sent :smiley: