Stamps - Help needed with Asian and Cyrillicl alphabets

Who can help me with these stamps? Anybody can tell me where these stamps are from?

The first photo is not very good but I guess it’s China
The stamps in the 2nd photo are from Ukraine and Serbia


Thank you so much. Is this a better photo?

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The stamp with the lion is Bulgarian. It says Bulgarian Posts


Top left and bottom say Ukraine
Bottom right says Serbia

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Thank all of you. I ask one last time for these 4 stamps. Are these Chinese?

In your last picture the first brown stamp is from the USSR from 1928 (it says CCCP, Cyrillic for SSSR, next to the numer 8). The second-last stamp, blue with red circle, is definitely Chinese from the Republic of China, though I don’t know if from the mainland before the communists took over 1949 or from Taiwan. The Person pictured is Sun Yat-sen.

The other two I’m not sure. The bridge could be from communist China, it was founded 1949. Try making 1 stamp pictures and try the picture sesrch on Briefmarken auf Colnect or their stamp identifier app.


From your initial 2 picture in the first picture I cannot identify any other stamps than the 3 Sun Yat-sen stamps.

Second picture:first row red is Ukraine from the short-lived independence after world war 1. Brown stamp Soviet Union 1928.
Second row brown Kingdom of Bulgaria, red-brown Russian Empire with soviet overprint.
Third row blue-green Norway official stamp (only for use on mail from the government), red Princedom or Kingdom of Serbia before it became part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
Last stamp again Ukraine in the late 1910s.


This one says:

Post. Ukrainian People’s Republic
40 hryven’.

Portrais Symon Petliura.
He was the Supreme Commander of the Ukrainian People’s Army (UNA) and led the Ukrainian People’s Republic during the Ukrainian War of Independence in 1917-1921.

This one says:

Post. Ukrainian People’s Republic
10 hryven’.

Portrais Bohdan Khmelnytsky.
He was military commander of Ukrainian Cossacks as Het’man of the Zaporozhian Host (Zaporiz’ka Sich), Leader of Cossack rebellion that took place between 1648 and 1657 and Founder of Cossack Hetmanate, sovereign Ukrainian Cossack’s State (1649-1764).




Thank you so much, that is a great help. :pray:

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Thank you so much :pray: :two_hearts:

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Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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My stepfather is an avid stamp collector. I showed him how to use google lens (or searching by picture) works. It helps him a lot!

Although this search here is of course way more fun!!


USSR stamp shows a soldier from the times of 1918-1928 with a rifle with a bayonet against the background of the Kremlin wall and the Lenin Mausoleum, Moscow. The inscription “Lenin” is visible next to the soldier’s hand.


Thank you so much for detailed explanation. :pray:


reply for the last 4 in 1 pic
1st idk

2nd: P R CHINA
J.ZN-39 Guangdong Provincial People’s Postal Administration Guangzhou Liberation Commemorative Stamps
(1) 10 Yuan, green.
(2) 20 Yuan, Grayish Brown.
(3) 30 Yuan, Purple. :point_left:
(4) 50 Yuan, Magenta.
(5) 100 Yuan, Dark Blue.
November 4, 1949. People’s Postal Administration of Guangdong Province.

3rd: R O CHINA
Should be this, Ord.45 2nd Shanghai Da Dong Print Dr. Sun Yat-sen Issue, 1947-1948, before the founding of PRC.
PRC recognized ROCs only go up to 1949, and it is not my intention to discuss the different positions. There were many types and many versions of Sun Yat-sen stamps issued by the ROC prior to that, and I’m not savvy to that period.

4th: JAPAN
1948-50, vocational series, 267 郵便配達

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Thak you so much​:pray::butterfly: