Opinions and questions of cards or profiles with a political or religious message

I received a postcard stamped “Stop Whaling”.
I had heard that it had been sent to Japanese postcrossers often, but finally to myself.
I feel bad when this kind of thing is done to a postcard that is supposed to be fun.
Are such stamps sold in Australia?


Yes, three times.
One is a message calling a group of people who have a different political view “trash.”
One is a message to friendly remind that Hong Kong is a part of China.
One is a message from a Ukranian postcrosser left her country. She wrote Slava Ukraini.

I am quite carefull with expressing my opinion about religious or political subjects. Only if someone asks for it and then it is often an explanation about how something works in my country.

I have very rarely received a card with a political/religious subject. A few with Bible-verses, either in the picture or on the back. I am not offended by it, I just think it is weird to send that kind of things. I know it is always well ment, but, staying on subject, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It could be a sensitive subject to the receiver, because religion is such a big thing for people. I am not religious at all, but I do have an opinion on it.

As for postcard I use the same rule I use for a gathering with people I don’t know well. Subjects to avoid: Politics, religion, raising children, covid and healthy food/life. :smiley:


some religion related stuff about my disability - which is why I don’t mention it anymore in my profile explicitly. Don’t need your prayers, need your allyship in daily life. And am certainly not interested in “God has plan for you” or similar stuff on a card.

I once bought a postcard book with pictures of lowers I thought were quite nice - unfortunately there were quite some religion related texts on them (could not read that before I bought) so I’ve sent very few of them until now.


I’m seriously sorry you had to read that on a card :frowning:

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When I received a commemorative World War II stamp from the US with a commemorative stamp of the developers of uranium pasted on it, for the first time I thought about quitting postcrssing.
(I’m a Hiroshima native, my parents and relatives are hibakusha, and I have relatives who died in the atomic bombing.)

In the postcard letter, Ireland has no army. There is no McDonald’s. It is a free country. And it was unintelligible.

I am not criticizing the US. All wars are wrong. I just felt uncomfortable with how they tried to send this stamp and message.


Oh that is awful, I’m so sorry you received that. Say what you will about the American education system, but WWII is definitely covered in the public high school curriculum.

I personally think that either of those stamps might have been alright to send, individually, for their historical and scientific significance. But I would never even think to use them in any combination with a Japanese address, especially one from Hiroshima. That was tailored to be cruel, and you did not deserve that.


Thank you for your heartwarming message.
Even in Japan, we study about war.
We are not taught which side is at fault or who is at fault. It is only learned as a historical fact.
Stamps about the war are considered taboo in Japan and will not be issued. I think it is a national characteristic.
I have no objection to used by individuals.
As you said, I was shocked that this combination of stamps was used on me.
I do not intend to criticize the U.S., so I hesitate to send a postcard of the A-bomb Dome to the U.S., even as a World Heritage Site. So I always use a postcard of Miyajima, another World Heritage Site in the same Hiroshima.


I haven’t received such a card yet because I’ve only been back into Postcrossing for a little over a month. However, I’m slighty worried that I might receive a card like that one day because I mention LGBTQ+ on my profile and some people can be weird and negative about that subject. I guess time will tell.


These are my favorite topics! =)

I’ve received postcards with both, political and religious messages (once I even got a Virgin Mary pendant taped to a postcard) and I really liked them. I like when people share their point of view on interesting or important matters rather than write about the weather. I’ve received a touching postcard from an HIV positive person once, and a funny postcard from a German naturist. I’ve been sending postcards for 5 years now and I’ve never received any insulting message, nor any postcard I would consider offensive. I’ve received one wtf postcard, though! One postcrosser sent me a picture of a tampon sticking out of panties, it supposed to be an ‘erotic’ postcard :sweat_smile: Happy postcrossing everyone!


Wow, I’m sorry you received this, along with the other postcard. This kind of stamp should be reported. There are Indigenous groups in Northern Canada who also rely on whale hunting for sustenance and it’s really ignorant for people to stamp things like this.

For the forum topic, I would really prefer not to receive political or religious messages, because even if they are well-intentioned, they can be offensive. The person doesn’t know me or my views so I think the postcards should remain neutral


Me too ! I have received a few from people who have read my profile. However I would never send a card with biblical verses or of churches unless they express a wish for them.

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I once received a postcard with a picture of former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, but that was because I explicitly state in my profile that I would like to receive political cards.

The timing was noteworthy though, it was sent on the 21st of February 2022 and I got it on the 1st of March 2022, and as you will no doubt know russia invaded Ukraine in-between those dates. Gerhard Schröder was in the midst of a controversy regarding is relationship with russia and vladimir putin at the time.


That’s sad to read

I am so sorry that someone sent this to you. So sorry. It is not right; it is very wrong of them, and a terrible act. Have you considered reporting them?

Who would do such a thing? I do not understand how such people are thinking when they do this. Postcrossing is about connection, and such a message of incorrect assumptions and bias should not participate.

That is seriously f*ked up. Please report them.

I understand people who write wishes for peace on cards sent to me, but one time I received a card and a letter suggesting me going on a protesting demonstration which will clearly put me in jail and would not help neither me nor innocent victims. Maybe I sound hopeless or whatever… It’s clearly that no sentient being supports violence.


Whether I will receive such a card depends on whether the contents of the card comply with the laws of our country. If the contents or patterns in it do not comply with the law, then I will not receive it at all. It will be confiscated by the post and then notify me of the situation.

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Most recently received simultaneously 2 postcards. One with a religious image, the other with a political message. Since I am still new to postcrossing and I am an impressionable and emotional person by nature. It was a little embarrassing for the political phrase on the postcard. I did not want to register it, but since I support the rules to register any postcards, whatever they may be (except for the prohibited and truly offensive of course). I registered it anyway. And next situation with the religious postcard it turned out to be an interesting and even funny story, so here I was not so upset, because the sender explained the history of sending this postcard. Despite this, I once again thought about whether it is worth doing such a wonderful hobby as postcrossing. After all, I was afraid to face precisely such situations.