Handmade... Is this really a postcard?

Many Postcrossers welcome handmade cards, but you need to know that many don’t as well - they usually have this written on their profile.

If you’re looking for cards - there are quite a few online shops to check out here listed by country at this link here:

People also get boxes/books of postcards of a particular kind from places like Amazon or from actual brick & mortar bookstores.

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Thank you so much…Who’d a thunk that postcards were so interesting & fun :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


There are lots of tag games for handmade cards - Tag is just like the version we played as kids. Someone tags the person above them on the thread & sends them a handmade card & then gets tagged by someone else who sends them a handmade card. You give or get an address via private message here on the Forum. Have fun!

Here are some of these tags:




People also offer handmade cards to swap with other people & you can find those offers here:


I think it’s okay to send homemade postcards. I love them, but not everyone does. BTW, be sure to read the profiles. Some people actually love touristy postcards as well. Some people don’t care what they get; other people are more particular. Do the best you can and just have fun!


Oh you definitely make cards or decorate them:)
Kindly check account preferences, mostly all appreciates handmade/decorated cards with special touch of sender:)

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I make all of mine and even the few who have stated they don’t like handmade cards have sent a lovely response back and popped it in their favourites. Enjoy!


As already mentioned - just read the profile carefully.
There are members who would like handmade cards.
Then send them one of your artworks!
We are always happy when we get a handmade card, because we like to see the creativity of others.
We also send our handicrafts to others. And have never heard anything negative.
But we can also understand if someone doesn’t want these cards.
This person then has other interests. Of course we respect that.
And it’s not bad if you always send the same tourist postcard.
The recipient is always someone else.


Folks tend to really choose sides on the handmade vs bought postcard debate. My own thoughts are , i have zero artistic talent. Like none. Couldn’t even win a bad art contest. I’m not crafty either. A homemade card , to me , is just as “real” as a bought card. Since i have zero talent, i’m always impressed by the creativeness of others. I look at a handmade card , and i think, “wow, this person expended all that creative energy, just to bring me, a complete stranger , a smile”. So a handmade card to me, is very real, and very cherished , as much as a traditional bought card , with time and effort spent on subject, and message . Is a homemade cake worse than one from a bakery? No, homemade cakes can be made by amazing cooks, or by average cooks. Either way, someone baked or bought you a cake, be happy for it! I also find food box cards interesting. But not for the product per se. Im impressed with how precise someone cuts the cardboard! and the messages are always interesting. So ive heard the debate " i spent money on a nice card for someone and they sent me homemade garbage" . I look at it as, i have no talent so i used money to buy a card, but wow, that person spent THEIR TIME, which could equal much more than the money spent on a traditonal card. and they spent their time , on me. So , if someone makes, say 15 dollars an hour and made you a card that took them 30 mins to make, well then, technically that card cost 7.50 dollars. much more than the store bought post card. Bottom line, im ok with handmade :slight_smile:


I was wondering the same thing as most postcards sold are only found in tourist information areas. NOW what if i found some beautiful cards bought them and TURNED them into a postcard, would that be allowed? Basically i would make rhe back of the card look like a proper postcard?


You can send cut up pieces of food packaging, anything is allowed. If you can stick a stamp and a message on it and put it in a postbox it’s a postcard.


Lol ok, i never thought that would pass! And here i was so worried. Thanks so much :blush:

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Ahhhh! This sounds FUUUN! :hugs: Tag me! Tag me!


It’s you who needs to tag the last person on those threads before someone else can tag you! :wink:



I was going to do this too :heart:. I even bought 3 cards…Buuut then, I was able to find a box of post cards at a local bookstore :books:


Where do I find the “TAG” threads? I’m so confused :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Directory of Tags
Scroll down to the Handmade section and take your pick! :grinning:



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As someone who does postcard “art,” I find profiles that state things like “I don’t mind handmade cards, just as long as they’re good” kind of back-handed. At what point does someone define “art?” Or what is “good?” It’s very subjective.
And is something only art if it’s good?

There’s no problem by kindly asking for people not to send handmade cards. But the profiles that ask for “only good handmade cards” are just as bad to me as profiles with long and specific lists.

I’m happy someone put time and effort and money to send me something. And I’m happy if you’re happy!

Also, I just really like getting mail, even if it’s not a postcard.


Same. They won’t get one of my handmade cards - I am, after all, not a professional artist.

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I received a food package card from Indonesia and I loved it. The card was cut from a box of product that I had never heard of…some sort of “coffee” made from a different nut/fruit that we don’t have where I live. It was just as interesting to me as a traditional card, in fact probably more so. The sender filled the card with so much information that my address was written quite small in the lower corner of the card. I was amazed that this small piece of box made it across the globe into my hands. Two strangers connected through something that otherwise would have been tossed in the bin. Brilliant.