Getting Messages on Postcrossing Site

I know it’s been said before, but this website/service would be infinitely better if we could send and receive our messages on this site instead of through our own e-mail.

Joining the community is optional.
Messages going through the main site going to email is to protect your privacy. :woman_shrugging:

This forum is for posting suggestions for improving the site.

I was suggesting an improvement to the site.

It might or might not be better - there are currently just over 16,000 members who have joined the forum out of 800,000 + members total in Postcrossing. Not sure if this site could handle that kind of traffic. And yes, privacy is a huge issue that needs to be respected always.

It’s going to be hard to implement …

The U2U message system was great. That was one of the things I miss the most about the new Forum.


Personally I prefer to receive messages through my email.

I agree. I was able to be more organized with the u2u.

I commented on such topic from a technological stand point before, here’s my original response:

TL;DR: Message through email simplifies the website and reduces security risk. While it’s technically possible to integrate an inbox in PC website, it’s just not feasible as of right now.

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