Forum posts and comments being indexed by Google

I don’t think that is the point of this problem.

It shouldn’t fall on us, the idea to attrack others to this place for our comments.
Like, that’s what a team should do by promoting this place on the main site or the scheduled emails. You can always mention on your profile about it or whenever you interact with other postcrossers about our community here.

In the old forum, it used to show up like some parts of the forum were open to anyone to look into but for other ones, we would have to login to access. Is it wrong to request the same type of attention and privacy that we once had?


Hmm, that’s interesting. I am certainly not saying that you are wrong to request more privacy. Pray forgive me for being a relatively new user; I never experienced the old forum.

The feature you are suggesting sounds like an ability for the forum users to customise the level of readability of their posts? Like in Facebook, you can set your posts to be open to everyone, to friends only, to friends of friends, etc. There is more control on who can read a given post.

I don’t know how easy it is to implement this kind of customisability, it would be left to the Admin team to answer …

I believe I can not be the only one who thought when they signed up that the forum posts can only be seen by other logged in users…? I mean, that’s kind of the thing with forums - they are usually only available to logged in users. If not, they should be proper marked, or give you some kind of message saying “you are now entering the open part of the forum, what you write here can be seen by people who are not logged in” or something.

I have experienced online stalkers, and I try to be careful with what I share, but it’s a jungle to navigate in.


log out and check what’s visible, that is also what google can see. That means that all the areas with the lock :lock: are not visible on google


I did this last night. I logged out and googled my user name. My posts were visible.

I (wrongly) assumed only logged in users could see our posts. I have privacy concerns due to a reasons I don’t deem necessary to define. While I’m careful what I post on the internet, I don’t feel everything needs to be available in a Google search. For that reason, I will restrict what I post from this point forward. This includes my responses in RRs to what people have written me to protect their privacy as well. You have the option to only allow logged in users to see your main prostcrossing profile. Silly of me to assume that applied to the forums.


those in this section, but not in trades or games sections

Just for the heck of it, I tried it again just now. I logged out, I went to Google, I googled my username, and all my round robin responses came up.


they don’t

this is the most postcrossing I can see from a search of your username

Clear your cache and cookies after logging out from your account.

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They most certainly do. And yes, I’ve cleared my cache.


I also just tried it from two different browsers in a separate system where I’ve never used PostCrossing. My tags and RR posts come up. So as the OP said, our forum posts are public.


I believe why this is visible is because this RR is under the North America section of the forum, which does not have a :lock: on it

Most RRs are under the Games and Activities section which have a :lock: on them and can’t be viewed via a google search


That RR was made in open category. Only RRs in :lock: categories are private


There are a lot of round robins in regional areas of the forum. They should all be :lock:then.


I am 100% in favor of more privacy in and for the forum. :lock:


For the record… I have asked for this privacy issue to be looked into further.


Has anyone from the Postcrossing team responded to the concern (which I share)?


Yes… it is being looked into.


In the meantime I found this old thread, where Paulo wrote about this:

Do you have additional information or can one of the mods comment on this including a timeline? It’s quite a concern and I think there should be transparency about the process.