✅ Not receiving emails at laposte.net addresses

Hei there !

Since a few days it seems I wont receive any Postcrossing email anymore. I realized it as I could send 1 more postcard without having received the Hurray message. Later on I replied to a member but did not get the copy of my answer either. Sadly I cant tell since when exactly it happened. Needless to say I already checked spam, trash and all sort of filters in my mailbox.
Some seem to already have had this issue from time to time, so hopefully we can solve that again :slight_smile: I was thinking to migrate my PC mails towards Gmail anyway, but maybe some other users are facing the same issue right now ?

Provider: Laposte.net (France, La Poste group)

I may also contact them about it but if they need technical information I will be unable to provide them.


Definitely try updating your email if you had already planned on it. And I think you said you double checked your settings? I have had this happen with so many things I’ve accidentally turned my notifications off without realizing it. Keep us posted :slight_smile:

I have exactly the same issue with Laposte.net : no email from postcrossing website but also other websites for maybe 2 or 3 weeks… I changed and put a gmail address and everything works perfectly now.

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I contacted Laposte.net just now so let’s see if they can do something about it.
Best part: They require an image of the issue… so I sent a screen of my inbox with a little texte saying “Screenshot of an email not received” :rofl:
At least I had fun!


:joy: I hope you will get an answer.
For another website, a bookshop where I got a membership monthly delivery, I contacted their customer service to say that I never received their emails (I thought the problem were coming from their website and not from Laposte.net) and over the phone, the man tried to send me an email to Laposte.net and he said that he got an error message saying that the email couldn’t be delivered. I changed to gmail and no issue again.
Seems than Laposte.net is not working very well at the moment

A few weeks ago we started having trouble delivering emails to laposte.net. It’s not the first time they randomly start refusing emails.

There were no changes on our side and they just started refusing some emails (we have no problems with any other email provider), so something must have changed on their end.

Unfortunately these refused messages are lost. Their error message says to “try later” (Service refuse. Veuillez essayer plus tard), but the actual error code instructs the sending mail server to discard the message and not try again, so these refused messages are discarded at that point. We can’t force a server to accept an email and if we would retry later, then they would have a point that we wouldn’t be following the protocol.

We even tried to contact their tech people about this, but we didn’t get very far as we are not their clients so they don’t have to care about our problem.

Sadly, there’s only two options if you are having this trouble:

  • complain to your email provider about the missing emails — they are messing up! We follow all email best practices and we shouldn’t even have to contact them about their problems. You have an email account with them, we have emails for you and we are not sending spam: they are the ones refusing the emails.

  • switch to another email provider. :confused:


Thank you for the quick answer ! I will continue to pressure them then since I am client. Hopefully it will work :slight_smile:

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I received answer from Laposte technical support, but they need a copy of

  • the message attempted to send
  • the error message you got instead

If possible you can transfer that to me (I changed provider for Postcrossing so i now receive emails) and I will follow to them.

The error message is always:

550 5.7.1 Service refuse. Veuillez essayer plus tard. service refused, please try later. LPN007_510

Despite it saying to “try later”, the error code used (550) is to discard the message and not try again.

I don’t a message to share as these emails are private messages to members. Also, we don’t keep a copy once they are delivered or discarded. That said, with the error message above it should be clear to them what’s the issue. Just mention the messages are coming from @postcrossing.com and their logs should have plenty of mentions to that block.

They replied that you have to contact them…
I pressured them saying you already tried, that logs of this can be found and that they should take this issue in consideration. They are French, so seeing how efficient it is, is not a surprise :sweat_smile: at first they did not even understand at all and told me to try to send myself an email with a secondary adress… Like they did not even read my request.

Anyway, if you have faith, they seem to have english speaking tech for professionals:

  • 33 892 970 416 From 8:30am to 7:00pm monday to friday

Good luck

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After much insisting (and absolutely nothing changing on our side), I believe laposte.net has finally removed the block that had put in place.

We still don’t know why we were blocked and I suspect this won’t be the last time we’ll have this problem with lasposte.net.

But for now, emails seem to be accepted again. :tada:

Change providers? At least in the USA nothing gets through to hard headed companies like a customer taking their money elsewhere and saying exactly why. I know a few people who suddenly got better service from their ISP when they threatened to change providers (where there are competing services though).