Feedback on profile texts

You have a good amount of info in your profile, but I would have a different introduction. It is fine to be honest about life being tough at the moment, but you don’t have to apologize about being absent to someone who has just drawn your address. also, I would put the whole flickr-thing and links to external albums at the bottom of the profile, not the top.
You ask people about their likes and interests, and I would like you to open your profile by sharing yours. just a short traditional “I’m […] and I like […]” would be really nice, so we can get to know you from the first line :slight_smile:


@metlodyt Hi! Thanks for your feedback! :slight_smile:


In addition to @metlodyt comments about the introduction, I would recommend you to write in less paragraphs. That means not every new sentences has to start at a new line.
This just a suggestion to make it reader-friendlier, your writing style seems okay for me. :slight_smile:

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@metlodyt @Jarana Hi!

I’ve re-wrote an introduction, made several changes in the text and locations and tried to make it more reader-friendly based on your feedbacks!

If possible, please take another look and see if it has improved a bit or not! :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:


It’s really good @Levitan17. great changes. I would have a much easier time picking out a card and knowing what to write to you now. not only because you directly give suggestions, but also because I have a clearer image of who you are :slight_smile:


Yes, it’d better now. :+1:t2:
I only have on little point
I would put this sentence

I have no problems in receiving AD cards or Handmade ones, especially if you make FOOD PACKAGES cards!! I simply LOVE them!!

directly under your wishes of cards and then followed by writing prompts.

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Here goes, other feedback is also welcome.

  • not enough information
  • too much information
  • rude
  • friendly
  • carrot cake
  • easy to read
  • confusing
  • I would know what to send
  • I would not know what to send

0 voters

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@elanlei, I started wondering what is an Erasmus baby?
I only think of sports and studying programme with this word, but it’s more/different thing?
Sorry if this is too personal.

Your profile is short, but still gives information about you.

@S_Tuulia, I would say an Erasmus baby is a baby of a person who has done an Erasmus exchange and a local or of two former Erasmus students. I know several romances that have begun during an Erasmus exchange period.

I’ll go ahead with my profile. :slight_smile:

  • Enough personal information
  • Wishes are easy to fulfill
  • The tone of the profile is friendly
  • The profile is too long and messy
  • Wishes are hard to fulfill
  • Too much personal information
  • The profile is easy to read
  • The order of paragrahs is logical
  • The order of paragrahs is illogical
  • More personal information needed
  • Other

0 voters

Yes, this is right. In my case I did the Erasmus exchange, married a local and had a kid. According to estimates there are over a million children like her, direct results of the programme.

I’ve had some lovely messages from others who have done an Erasmus exchange or hosted people doing it. It’s been such a defining thing in my life that I do feel I need to include it in some way.

I think yours reads well but it’s a bit heavy on the emoji for my liking.

I think that’s a great, concise, friendly profile. :slight_smile:

I´d love some feedback too :slight_smile:

  • Just enough personal information
  • More personal information needed
  • Wishes for cards are easy to fulfill
  • Wishes for cards are hard to fulfill
  • More ideas on writing prompts needed
  • The profile is easy to read
  • The tone of the profile is friendly
  • Bad English (please tell me how to write it better)
  • Other (please comment below)

0 voters

Thank you so much in advance!

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Ohh, ok! I didn’t know the baby has that name then! And a million babies that way, wow. Cute :heart_eyes:.

(Have you ever gotten a card from another who has Erasmus baby? Or maybe is one themself?)

One card from a grandmother of an Erasmus baby, several who have hosted someone and quite a few people who have done one, some of whom have found their partner that way. None from Erasmus babies themselves yet. I hope I will receive some one day!

I would like feedback on my profile as well

  • Friendly profile
  • demanding profile
  • wishes are too exclusive
  • too many personal info
  • more personal info needed
  • other (please comment)

0 voters

Thank you for your feedback

Looking at your wishlist, the only card I could send you right now is an early seventies map card from somewhere I’ve never been to in Wales. I would feel bad about it because you sound nice.

Thanks for the feedback. I tried to highlight that I acutally collect viewcards and any veiwcard would make me happy. Usually those are the ones almost everyone The other things listed are just special themes but a view card would not make me less happy.

I am sorry that was not clear. Do you have suggestions about how to rewrite? Or to make it any clearer? Maybe I should list general view cards as top of the list?

Edit: I tried to rephrase my profile so I hope things will get clearer now. Still I am happy for any suggestions. I do not want to give people the impression I am demanding things.

That’s the trouble, not all of us have access to view cards. Where I live, you can only buy view cards in one tourist information shop and one bookshop. Even if they were open, it would not be safe to go there. We are in tier 3 meaning a very high alert level.

I’ve managed to buy some bulk lots of cards off eBay but they are much older than I am and none show my area. I’ve got plenty of other cards to send. I don’t even like view cards myself.

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Yes, I think that would it make 100% clear, that you like viewcards the most. It would be a bit repetive in your profile, but I don`t see a problem in here.


I have the same problem about view cards. If people ask for view cards from my area I cannot provide these either. However I always buy a lot when traveling.

Since you do not like viewcards yourself I get why you do not have many of these in stock. I find myself buying cards that I personally like (even if those are not the cards I collect).

But thanks, I try to make clearer that still other cards are welcome as well. As in official Postcrosing the sender can send whatever they want I am totally OK with that. So I try to make that clearer as well. Thank you.

@Jarana: Thanks for the feedback. I did not really put that I like viewcards on Top of my list as a bullet point but above all I tried to highlight that fact.