Expired Postcards

This opinion seems to come up quite often, but I simply cannot agree with it. Yes, there are probably a minority of people who are slow to register routinely, and some who lose interest in Postcrossing and don’t register the incoming cards.
But I am convinced that the speed of a postcard, and whether it arrives at all, is predominantly down to the postal systems themselves. When you think of the number of steps between you posting a a flimsy piece of card and someone receiving it, it seems a miracle that the vast majority actually arrive at their destination, and within 60 days.
Please don’t be too hasty to blame the receiving Postcrosser. I’d rather cheer every time I see a card get registered when I am watching the front page.

As an aside, I think it would be interesting to know how many cards have been lost on their way to us.
I live in a country with a fairly good postal service, get mail delivered to my own door rather than having to pick it up from a post office, have a mail carrier who makes sure that I get every postcard for everyone in the street, register my cards at latest on the next day after delivery (if I’ve been working lates) and haven’t taken any trips away from home more than a couple of weeks since I started Postcrossing, but I am confident that if the Postcrossing data base would give out the information there would be as many lost on their way to me as I have lost sending to others.


In the past year I have had two “Did you get my card?” messages. One arrived after 60 days (India) and one was lost (Finland).

My second cards sent are clearly indicated as replacements as part of the message.


I just got a hooray message from my Australia card! I’m usually pretty patient but I guess I’m just anxious! Thank you for the words of wisdom. :heartpulse:


My first expired postcard :frowning:

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Don’t give up hope. Is the member still active? If so, there is a good chance that the postcard will be registered sooner or later. Postcards to China unfortunately still take longer to arrive than they used to :confused:

the user was online 12 days ago… I hope will back soon and register the postcards :face_holding_back_tears:

Fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

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Hi there,

I tried searching this forum and didn’t find what I was looking for …

Expired postcards drive me mad! So, I’ve started re sending cards that go over 120 days (except to China - I understand the lead time). I’ve had some success in that I’ve whittled my list down to 3. One of the people is semi-active - she was on like 12 days ago - and I have sent her 3 cards - there’s no way all 3 cards have been lost. With the other two, they haven’t checked their accounts in months. Is there a policy on this or will I just have to wait it out?

You don’t know what’s happened to expired or lost cards - anything could have happened to them.

Cards being mis-delivered or not delivered at all by our postal systems happen regularly. Postal sorting machines are brutal on postcards & they get destroyed or stuck in a machine. Mail gets stolen.

People’s lives can change dramatically very quickly these days - serious illness, unemployment, caring for a family member, having to leave home because of natural disasters or war etc can make getting mail or registering a card not a priority.

You have to recognize you don’t have control once you mail the postcard - it’s a normal part of Postcrossing to have unregistered cards - everyone has unregistered cards. It’s frustrating, but it’s part of the process.


I understand all that. I’m talking more about sending multiple postcards over many months and still no response. Is there no process for deactivating an account that’s dormant?

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I have recently received three cards from same member. First was sent on I think November, second this year. I got these around same time, both underpaid postage, but still no idea why the other took so long. Then shortly after this, I got a third card (also underpaid). So, this person sent me three cards, different time, but those arrived almost same time all. Maybe something like that is happening to your mail?

And, do you have enough postage?


There is a process admin has, but it’s up to them to make that decision - as I said there might be lots of reasons for the cards not being registered that doesn’t make the account dormant.

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When the member is not signed to the page for 30 days (I think this was the time), the account is turned to inactive. Their address is then not given anymore. Of course this doesn’t help the ones who sent to this person before they were put inactive.

I don’t send second cards normally. It’s told that everyone have expired both ways.
It’s easier to accept it, and maybe hide those expired from your travelling list, if it’s annoying to see it.


I wonder if it is the same person (who is active 12-13 days ago now…)
:disappointed: Also waiting for it to register my postcard. I have only one expired postcard who is not active now…

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I understand the disappointment. But it’s up to the sender to not send a second card.
Not the recipient asking for it.
And also 3 cards can get lost at times. It’s not necessarily a “dormant account”.
So far I never sent a 2nd card. And if I would, I would definitely check the recipients current postcrossing activitiy before.


I never send a second card, our postage is so expensive.


288 days travelling time, today a card was registered that arrived this week at recipent. Account was ‘last seen’: many months ago.

XP went down from 42 → 41.


Just curious as to what you do with expired Postcards! I sent one to India that is on Day 58. Do you usually just let it go and assume it was lost in transit? Or should you message them in case they received it but forgot to register or the ID was no longer readable (the ID was definitely on there)?

Thank you! :slight_smile:


You can try resending them another card, i received a card from Ireland yesterday which was traveling for 180+ day,card i received was second card- and it waswas sent to me just 10 days ago, so miracles happen


For me I’d send a message, after all no harm in that, be polite and say hope it still finds it’s way, if didn’t already… :slight_smile: