Expired Postcards

I’m not affected by those, but China Post, sadly yes.

Same with New Zealand. I sent about 10 from there in Travel Mode and they all arrived and the folks were very happy since NZ doesn’t have a whole lot of Postcrossers. But their mail system is pretty reliable. I hope you can try Travel Mode again some day and have it pay off - sorry your experience was a bummer.


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It happens really often with me, postcards can just poof disappear… sometimes I can send up to 3 postcards to one address and still get no registration or feedback. once I even received a postcard after almost a year from my pen-friend and same happened while I did postcrossing! I even don’t know how much postcards never got into my mail box…
Will it be a problem in future? I don’t really want my account to be blocked because of such a problem!

here’s a screenshot as a proof ^

I hope you know you’re not required to send more than one postcard to an address.

I’ve occasionally sent a 2nd one, but as I’ve gotten more experience on Postcrossing, most of the time, I just move on.

Expired cards are a regular part of Postcrossing. Postcards are a small item in big postal machines & mail does get lost from time to time.

We’re also still in the middle of a pandemic that is still significantly affecting what happens to mail, how it travels & when or if it gets delivered on time. Also some postal systems in some countries are not as strong as we’d like sometimes.

I’ve had 9 cards expire in the 16 months I’ve been a member of Postcrossing with 214 cards sent. I think that’s a pretty average figure from what I hear on the Forum.

We do our best to make sure we write addresses clearly, use the right postage etc, but mail does occasionally get lost. It’s frustrating, but remember the majority of our mail does arrive at its destination.


It seems that the travel times to and from your country are often very long.
I looked to the Nr.1 member of Moldova and his cards often needs a long time to receive too.

Presumably the admins will also know this and take it into account.

And as @LC-Canada wrote: You are not obliged to send more than one card.
Expired cards are part of Postcrossing - all of us have them, sometimes more and sometimes less.


thank you for your answer! I would not like to upset users because their cards never reached me or vice versa. I even send my postcards in envelopes, it helps to keep postcards safe and regular envelopes won’t attract people with urge to steal those (my friend got the idea of envelopes)

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Remember, people don’t know your specific card hasn’t arrived so they won’t be upset with you in particular.

And none of us are responsible for what our postal systems do or don’t do right?

Once you mail the postcard, it’s out of your control & we just have to accept that some won’t arrive, but most of them do.


Im new to postcrossing so I have a question lol what happens if a postcard doesnt make it or the person doesn’t register it? I have one thats been traveling for awhile

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A postcard that has been traveling longer than 60 days is set to expired in Postcrossing. This status allows an account to send another postcard. You can see which of your traveling postcards have expired by looking at your traveling postcards page.

Most sent postcards will arrive well before 60 days have passed; however, some postcards do take longer to reach their destination. Expired postcards can still be registered up to one year after you requested the address. After this period, they are deleted from Postcrossing and can no longer be registered.


I have a related question, but don’t want to start a new thread: a card is sent, that later expires. If the recipient changes their address during that time, will the sender now see the updated address to send a replacement card?

When you change your address Postcrossing can automatically register the cards traveling to the old address


Yes, when you click on the ID in your list of traveling cards, you always see the current address, so if someone moves you can see their new address there. :slightly_smiling_face:


I normally send a second card after the first has been traveling for more than 200 days, but only if that individual has logged into the site in the past week or so. I often receive second cards. However, nobody is required (and should not be required) to send second cards. We do, however, need to understand that cards being lost in the postal system is a fact of life.


I sent a replacement card to an active user in Ukraine not long after my card expired; it arrived a couple of weeks later and was registered. A couple of weeks after that, the recipient wrote that the original arrived this week.


My first time seeing the term ghostcrosser :joy:


I still have one expired card (my first one), still traveling to Hong Kong for 100 days now :frowning:
It was a cute card, hope, it will arrive soon :slight_smile:


I have a card travelling to China for 335 days and the user has not logged in for 4 months now, I guess that’s lost :smiley:
What worries me is that my number of expired cards keeps increasing. It used to be max 1-2, now it has climbed up to 7, with 13 cards traveling. Most of the expired ones are travelling to users who have not logged in for weeks/months. I wonder whether that is taken into consideration when suspending an account?


I just received a card yesterday that had been traveling to me for 224 days from China. I’m so happy it finally arrived and can now be taken off of the senders expired list🥳


Just checked my current expired cards.

2 users : last seen today, but they are cards I sent to Russia just before Indonesian post closed the mail service (perhaps I could send again later?).
2 users : last seen 21+ days ago
2 users : last seen 1 month ago
1 user : last seen 6 months ago
