Expired Postcards

While it is a bummer, I’m sadder to see expired cards for people who are online and active. I have 2 (almost 3) like that right now and I really hope they’ll end up in their mailboxes soon and didn’t just get lost on the way.


At the very beginning, this also annoyed me somehow.
But it’s part of the game. No one can change it.
I am happy about every postcard that arrives. And about every expired one that reaches its destination at some point.
I currently have 10 postcards that have expired.
Five of them Russia, one Germany (member active - since 212 days expired)

This is life or postcrossing :postcard: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I currently have 3 expired postcards. It is what it is. Just another part of the Postcrossing experience. Always happy when postcards arrive safely. COVID has had some impact on travel times from Australia and I have had more expired postcards this year than in previous years.

a lot of expired to me and some taking longer.

I have 8 expired cards from my own country…


I have had my first 2 expired postcards in the last 2 days…how does everyone handle? Do you ever resend ?

You could resend that’s up to you…I use to but no longer…

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Same here. I used to resend to those who are active, but the “repay” usually isn’t good. So I’d rather draw another new address and try my luck on that.


I have resend all in all maybe three cards. I decided to do that, when the receiver had been active and it seemed very likely that the card had gone lost in the mail. In these three cases the second card was registered. Most of my expired cards have gone to people who haven’t logged in after I mailed the card. Normally I don’t resend and I have never asked after my card. The card may still be registered at some point. One of my cards got registered in 108 days, one arrived here after 212 days. Sometimes you hear of cards arriving after they were deleted from the system. I have penpals and once a letter travelling between Finland and UK took 15 months!


Same for me, I have resent exactly twice and for the above reasons.
I have a few now where the recipient is fairly active so I am wondering if I should resend, but with all the stuff going on in the world I am not sure the card would get there again, and it might still get there anyway!
I usually prefer to concentrate on new addresses though.

My expired cards usually went to China, Russia, and ghostcrosser.
I never re-sent to China and Russia because in the end they always arrived.
And of course I also never re-sent to ghostcrosser :blush:
Once I had expired card to South Africa, 61 days, active user. I already prepared a new card for him but suddenly he registered my card :blush: Luckily I haven’t write his name on the card :blush:


Two to :us: went expired this week. Both active members, but it seems there is some mishap and going slowly recently. I have received some postcards and letters from :us: earlier this week sent months ago.

I hope those will be delivered soon!
And yesterday sent two official to :us:, one to :de: and one bingo to :es:

I never resend. Some people do, clearly, and I’ve personally received cards that were clearly resent. But for me, I just chalk up missing cards to the nature of sending small pieces of paper across the world and move on to the next one.


I have been Postcrossing for almost one year and I am loving it! One little frustration is Expired cards. I now have about 6 expired cards. I have e mailed the recipients several times, and no response .I now realize this is just part of the process. Still a bit frustrating.
What do you do, and how successful have others been at recovering Expired Cards?
Thanks and happy Postcrossing!


Just be patient. I’ve been receiving a lot of expired cards since last month, and this is in a big city. It might even take longer outside the big cities.If there’s one thing I notice, there seems to be a problem with the Finnish postal service as a lot of people in my country are having the same experience with Finland, they all go expired.

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Not much success - some will arrive, some will not. I find writing to the recipients useless in 99% of cases so I very rarely do it. Not much to do - things get lost in the post, people disappear. Some cards of course will turn up at 100, 200, 300 days.
Since you have been at it only one year, most of your experience has been through the pandemic which has made things obviously a lot worse. But it happened anyway before too!


The very first postcard I sent got expired. :expressionless: A sad experience.
I’ve got a few now, it’s a pity, but part of the game I suppose. A bit difficult if you’re a beginner and mailing from Australia. It takes aaaages to get a card anywhere.
(Patience is a virtue I need to practise on) :joy::joy:


All so very true. I have e mailed with about the same results. I had one very nice reply out of about 5 sent. Thanks for the reply!

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I got a card from Mexico this week that was sent March 5th. The sender had sent a replacement card, which I registered back then, and now the first one came.


In my first year, I used to re-send. Now I just send and forget; if it gets registered, great, if not, I’m not going to follow up. I don’t check profiles to see if people are ghostcrossers - it gains me nothing to do this. I send every card with the optimism that it will be received.

I don’t send messages - if you are sending to a ghostcrosser, they’re not likely to respond to your message either, and if you’re sending to a good postcrosser, they’ll register when they get it.

Although, it did bother me more when I made less money and every card was a choice. I’ll acknowledge that I am lucky to be able to just say ‘Oh well’.