[CLOSED for SUMMER HOLIDAYS until SEPTEMBER] Exchanging postcards with Italian middle school

Hi! I’m writing for a school project.
We are teachers at a Salesian middle school for boys and girls in Chieri, a small town near Turin in the North of Italy.
Our pupils would love to find children of a similar age (11 to 13/14) to correspond with in English.
If you’re interested, please pop a postcard with your address on it in an envelope addressed to us at:

Scuola Media San Luigi
via Vittorio Emanuele II, 80
10023 Chieri (To)

*this Is a public address

We really look forward to hearing from you. So, we will send you a postcard telling you something about our country and us…

Best wishes,
Sara, Maria Silvia and Judith


Thank you shall send a postcard asap for children to write back :blush::heart:

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I will be glad to send postcard to the classroom;)

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i will message you in a moment



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Thanks!! Our address is:

Scuola Media San Luigi
via Vittorio Emanuele II, 80
10023 Chieri (To)

Best wishes!

Hello, I have a question. Do you really want only Kids to write your Kids? Or is IT allowed to also write the children?

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It’s allowed to Kids, children, young and adulti people :slight_smile:

Yay then i send a Card for your Kids. I am a Kid by Heart :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Next question:
What is with the stamps, what amount i should Put on the Postcard ? Or is IT paid by you?
Can i put more as one card in the envelope so more Kids have a Chance to train ?

You should put the stamps on the postcard and pay them… and for the amount you have to ask in a post office in your country (it’s like a normal postcard)…
We are happy (and particularly our students) if you put more cards in an envelope, so they can train better and more :slight_smile:
If you write your address, we can reply… Thanks a lot!

Arrived! <3

Hello, Sara.
I am an English teacher from Brazil.
Could we exchange postcards between our students, maybe?
Just let me know how many students do you have, and we are gonna write to you.
I have many students, so each student of mine could write one postcard to one student of yours.

Best regards, Teacher Tai

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Hi, it’s a beautiful idea that makes us happy! However, I will write you the information at the beginning of September because now the summer holidays have started and school is over…
Thanks a lot!! Best wishes

The summer holidays for schools begin in June in Italy, so we will resume the project in September by sending postcards to all those who have written to us indicating the address. In September we will also involve a greater number of classes… :slight_smile:

dear sara : My little boy want to write a card,but both we have a little question:can we have continuous with one of your student,just like a penpal?Or just write once?

It would be nice! I’ll ask a student in September and let you know

We will sent our first letter recently,It may travel at least 30 days.

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Wonderful!! Thanks a lot :slight_smile: