UPDATING II: CLOSED! Exchanging Postcards with ESL Students in Brazil

New Jersey checking in! I’ll send one out by the end of the week.

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What a great idea.
Send you some from Austria

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Sending a postcard from Oregon!

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Hi, I am interested to take part with my learners

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Germany again… Me too, I like these kind of projects, so I’ll send one out! :smiling_face:

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Hello! I would like to joining here. Postcard from Seoul, S. Korea~!

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I’ve just sent one from Turkey and I will share my address with you! :smiling_face: :postbox:

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I’ll send a card from Northern Germany!

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Hi! I will send a postcard from Russia with great pleasure!:love_letter:

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I will send one from the state of Louisiana in the USA
Linda Rae

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Wow. It will be really amazing. We will love it!

Hello. For sure you can joy our project. Our students will love it. They enjoy the Korean series, I am sure they will get wonderstruck to receive a postcard from Korea.

@humanus @Treibholz @FoxLilly12 @auntHelga @Archivisticles @taschamarie @sanddunebunny @JayBirb @StellaV @elektrazz @jackdaw02 @epd @BethfromCanada @Quyngles @sunshine_daydream @Bakersmom @Norway_girl @janer24 @cassius1213
Thanks for joining us in this projetc.
much love, from our Brazilian esl students

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Latvia sent out today.

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I will send one from Malaysia, looking forward to get one from the students too! :smile:

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Sent from Texas, USA. :slight_smile:

Well send one from Hong Kong.

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@ATreeGrows , @tmdguru500 , @gloriaytx , @SiLV , @elektrazz
Thanks for joining our project. The students are really excited to read your amazing cards and reply each one of you.

Gratitude :heart: :heart_eyes:

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Already received? :upside_down_face: :blush:

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