UPDATING II: CLOSED! Exchanging Postcards with ESL Students in Brazil

*Hello, dear Postcrossing community. I woulkd like to update you about the postcards. The students read your postcards and then googled about your countries and created posters. *
Next week the answers for some of your postcards will be mailed to you.
***We really thanks everybody who joined us in this project. ***
Tons of love and gratitude from our heart to yours!

I am an English teacher at a Public Brazilian Elementary and Hight School. The Geography teacher and I are working together in a project about Europe and North America. It would be that nice to send and receive postcards from these places. We are open to exchange postcards with students and with anyone who would like to send us a postcard.
If possible, you can answer the following questions:

  • What is a typical food in your country?
  • What is your favourite hobby?
  • What is the most famous place in your country?
  • What is the most popular sport in your country?
  • What is your native language?
  • What do you like the most about your country?

Our adress:
E.B.M. Prefeito Antonio Treml
Rua Conde D’eu, 266, Alpino
São Bento do Sul - SC

**It’s a public adress.

If you would like to get an answer from my students, please, feel free to add your adress to the postcard or send me a message here.

Our students are very exciting to receive and send postcards, and to know a little bit of the world through your postcards.

Thank you in Advance.
We are looking foward to your postcards.

Happy Postcrossing.

**-----------X-----------------X-------------------X-------------------X-----------------------X--------**July, 29th, 2024

**Updating: We have received many Postcards. My students are very happy and excited about this opportunity to exchange postcards with real people around the world. It is really oppening their minds about how big this world is.

The students started replying the postcards. I believe that until the end of this month we will have replied all of you.

Gratitude, Teacher Tai > Moonie.


Netherlands here… I like these type of projects, so count me in! :smiley:

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Hello, may I send a postcard from Russia? I would really love to.

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I will send one from Florida, US

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We’re so totally sending a card or two!! :grin::grin:

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I’d be happy to send a card from Canada

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Hey hey. Germany Here. I can send some cards too :wink:

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Hi! I would love to send a postcard from USA to you and your students, and will look forward to getting one in return. :smiling_face:


Hello. For sure you can send us a postcard! We are gonna love it.

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For sure we are going to answer you! Can’t wait for this :slight_smile:

Thank you!!! It will be awesome!

Sent June 7 :heart_eyes:

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I’ll send a postcard!

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I will send one from United Kingdom (England)

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I’ll send one from Washington, D.C.!

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Sending one when the postal office opens on Monday.

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Ohhh what a good idea, I would love to send one! I hope it don’t take long to arrive jajaja :slight_smile:

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My postcard will be sent directly tomorrow, from Germany!:blush:

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California here. I love this idea. Im in. And would love to hear from the students.
Patricia aka sanddunebunny

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Put two in the post box just now. :blush:

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