Europe is taking a timeout

I noticed that too. On October 1st I drew 6 addresses : 4 in the morning (all Germany) and 2 in the eventing (both Russia). I have the multiple countries option selected.
And usually when I draw an address at evening I tend to get Russia, when I do during the day Germany or Asian countries.


Maybe like this?


Lox hasn’t got any German or US addresses because @sannah82 took them all :joy:


I seem to have a normal mix!


I think the “active at the same time” things might be true. I’ve definitely read somewhere on here that a tip for getting a wider variety of counties to send to is to only draw addresses when there have been over (iirc) 700 cards registered in the last hour - i.e. a lot of people recently active


That’s a great idea.

As an American in Canada I get plenty from the EU. Wish i got more pulls from Asia or Latin America.

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Looks familiar


Well folks, I just drew an address in Europe (Poland). Sometimes one just has to file a complaint with the universe, and it will answer you kindly. :smile_cat:.


I used to get of lot of international post addresses but after messing with my settings I’ve finally got mine to all USA addresses (mostly). I figure since most people want to send abroad I would try to get mine to only send domestically to allow more people to enjoy the international aspect! Also - lots of my cards sent to international addresses seem to expire out :frowning:

I wish postcrossing had a setting to only send to home country vs international mix. That way people can enjoy it in their own way.


That’s working out well for you. But, if America ever opens up to posting to Russia again you’ll have all Russian a lot of Germany, maybe American now and then, but very little else. You get a lot of USA and Germany because right now (I’m guessing here) you have ‘multiples travelling to the same country’ and ‘send within my own country’? At the moment there are a LOT of German postcrossers due cards and a good amount of American too by the look of it. But if the US postal system add back in Russia to the mix and once Postcrossing adds back in China properly - you might have to tweak your settings again.

Your settings wouldn’t work for me because 1)UK isn’t a big enough chunk of postcrossers, 2)UK can send to Russia. If I set mine like yours I’d get all Russian and German. When China gets added back I’ll have all China, Russia and Germany. Probably.
I hve mine set to ‘send within my own country’ and NO muiltiples to other countries. And yet I still have the majority of my cards going to Germany and Russia. I used to get a lot of China too, until they were paused by Postcrossing. My own country…VERY rarely do I get UK.

If I chose 10 postcards a day only about 3 of them (if I was lucky) would go to a country I don’t regularly get.

I’m trying out a new tactic. Only choosing 1 card a day and at a time I wouldn’t normally pick a new one. Anything is worth a try at this stage. :crossed_fingers:


There is no setting for no repetitions. Repetitions always occur because postcrossers aren’t spread out evenly across the world. The more cards you have traveling at the same time the more repetitions you’re likely to get.

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It looks as though I’m the lucky one. I’m very happy with the variety of countries my cards are currently travelling to.


I know, I get it. The option isn’t to turn OFF the multiples, it’s to turn them ON. I understand that. My point was more to highlight that I had mine set to the opposite of the poster I was replying to. I get it, but thanks.

“Unselecting this option does not guarantee no repetitions.” Turning off the repeated counties option only reduces the chance of repetitions.

Having said that, I don’t find I get more travelling to the same place depending on having at lot travelling at the same time, as you suggest. I find I have more travelling to the same place when I select a bunch of address all at once. If I select addresses individually at different times/days then I seem to be better at avoiding the duplicate countries. Even if both scenarios have the same amount travelling.


What I mean is that someone with only very few slots is more likely to get only/mostly different countries than someone with a lot of slots.


I am glad to hear it is not only South Africa that has difficulty in sending or cards arriving. Feels like I waited too long to send another card, my cards just don’t arrive :cry::cry:. Unfortunately I cannot afford to resend more than 70 cards that has not arrived!!

I was pleasantly surprised to see I can send 22 cards again. Thank you Postcrossing community!! I have send almost 900 cards and I still get excited everytime I receive a card or am able to send one!

Keep up the good work everyone and stay safe.

Elsie from South Africa.


Here you are wrong. I can have 7 postcards traveling at the same time. 23 found their recipients, 7 are still on the way, one is overdue. So far, I have only had 3 countries: Germany, Russia and the USA.


I didn’t say few slots never had repetitions, I only said it’s less likely.

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Things change fast. A few months ago I was happy sending most of my cards to Germany where they were delivered quickly. Now I get mostly Russia so my cards sent per month is way down although I still send as soon as I am allowed.

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B00 - I have the settings on my account set to “send multiple to the same country at the same time” and “send and receive from home country”. The real secret to my continuing to get USA addresses is that I pray for it really hard before I hit “get address”, LOL.

For me it is both the cost of postage and the chance of my postcard getting lost. It is $0.44/€0.45 to send a postcard in the USA (going up to $0.48/€0.49 in Jan 2023) compared to $1.40/€1.44 to send a postcard anywhere else in the world (going up to $1.45/€1.49 in Jan 2023). It is sad cost has anything to do with it but stamps seem to be increasing every 6 months here in the USA. When my postcard doesn’t arrive or expires out with an international address it is another $1.40 to send it out again and at that point I can’t afford it.

If I get an international address I send it out ASAP using a global forever stamp of course, but I like keeping my outgoing postcards maxed out and it really quickly adds up.