✅ Error when requesting address on 25/Feb/2024

I have the same problem.
I have now 4 more in the counter althought the adresses didn’t shoe up.
But I have a E Mail with the ID and the adresses but they are don’t listened inmy travelling postcards.

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I’m still looking into this, but for the moment, please don’t write postcards to the addresses received by email if they don’t show on your traveling postcards page (postcards from the last ~1h). I’ll write more when I have this sorted.


@Paulo I have now the “old” status at the travlling cards counter - unfortunately I wrote one of these cards already - can I send this nevertheless (it has also already the stamp on it, it would be just a pity to throw it away. Should I mark it in a certain way?

I wonder what happens with all the addresses users got who are not active in the forum - they will certainly simply write to their addresses shown in the email??


Same problem here.
After 3 missing required addresses with following message

You don’t have the required permission to access this page.
the system suggests

Sorry! Sending postcards is temporarily disabled. Please try again later.

The 3 new addresses are not showed up on the travelling page, and I cannot request new addresses, which is weird because my account is quite normal and active.

I’m watching this topic for now, as it was a coincidence I saw it on the latest topics in the forum.
I was going to draw a few addresses, but will wait until this issue is fixed or we know more.

As @reiselustig mentioned, I was also thinking about all of the people who are not active on the forum and have drawn addresses with the same issue. I guess they will send to the addresses in the emails, and think that that’s ok.

Also, notice on the “what’s happening now” on the front page, that only “received” and “uploaded” shows up, not the “sent a postcard to” as usual.


No one can request addresses until Paulo has fixed this issue. It wouldn’t be helpful if everyone can still request addresses. They all have to be deleted. My counter is back to the status before the bug.


I assume this is because Paulo closed it to look into the issue.


@Momoooooooo If they don’t show on the travel page, please do not send them, as Paulo wrote above.


My counter is back too…so we will wait of Paulo’s answer;-)


Mine too

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The same problem.
Hope that would be solved soon.

Hello! Same problem here. I got 4 cards with 3 addresses. I decided to prepare these cards now. How ever this issue will turn out, hopefully those recipients will be happy with the cards. for the 2 cards to the same address I chose two matching cards. will be fun too. :smiley:

If you haven’t already written them, Paulo asked to wait until he knows more about the issue.



I think for now you should just set the card aside, and wait. Don’t send it now, because if the ID isn’t in the system it will cause confusion. We can hope the team has a way to add them after this is fixed, so don’t discard it yet either.

Maybe if the final answer is that the ID is not valid, you could cross the ID out completely, write your username on the card, and send it. That way when the recipient got the card, they could contact you directly.

I am already thinking about the thousands of help requests the team is going to be receiving as people try to register cards sent by non forum members during this glitch :face_with_peeking_eye:



No, please don’t! I know you are trying to be kind, but it could confuse the system. Please wait until the issue is resolved, as asked.


That was exactly what I was thinking…, waiting until I get an answer if I am allowed to send and if not, sending it without ID and a small explanation scribbled at the edge. :slightly_smiling_face:
Thank you for giving good suggestions!


He is looking in this.

Please be patient


I took out 2 addresses during the breakdown and have already written and stamped them. I will put them aside and wait for Paulo’s answer, the loss is manageable if necessary :wink:


I had that error as well and tried multiple times before noticing that there were IDs and addresses in my email. I wrote and stamped all those 6 postcards already. I hope system won’t generate duplicated numbers now and the Postcrossing admins are able to remove the permission block for those IDs which were not generated in normal way. I guess there is a problem also when trying to register the postcards.

I made also help request in Postcrossing with listing of the IDs I had with recipient profile names.