Do you prefer to buy postcards online or in person?

I buy postcards online. Because there is a wider range. There are many online shops in our country that print and sell postcards. Free shipping is possible if you order postcards for a certain amount. To be honest, it is not possible to order less than this amount, since the postcards are interesting and beautiful. I want more and more :sweat_smile:. I also order for OZONE along with other things I need. And the delivery is free. I buy stamps personally when I visit big cities.
On tez sites where I order postcards, the seller indicates the quality of the cardboard. For the most part, it is quite dense. Recently I saw a note on one site that ā€œcardboard of a finer qualityā€, but the price of such a postcard is lower.


Both. I buy a lot online because they can be hard to find in person.

I will look/purchase from places I visit in person like museums, historical sites, gardens, etc.

This helps me get a variety.


I have bought a few times some postcard boxes of specific themes online (such as women in science or flowers). But I mostly send viewcards, and I love to buy them in person because I can choose different ones :slight_smile:


I like both :slight_smile: Picking one is too hard.

Online: brands I wonā€™t find offline in a good assortment (TS, Papersisters etc), international card-shops (often cheaper, so you get more variety).

Offline: while traveling, all the cards you buy on the road seem so special :sweat_smile: Plus thrift shops.

If Iā€™m looking for specific cards/themes for swaps itā€™s mostly in person too.


I buy on line because I design my own cards on Zazzle.


I prefer to buy postcards online as they usually have a wider variety, are cheaper, and are efficient. And because there arenā€™t many shops that sell postcards here, sadlyā€¦ :frowning_face: Whenever I try to buy postcards in person, thereā€™s almost always not much of a variety available or they are more expensive. I wish there are more shops in Indonesia that sells postcards, or even sharing ad/free postcards like in other countries.


I would love to find more local postcards, but there arenā€™t many. I did go to a vintage and antique store a few weeks ago, and had such a great time going through their cards and I bought quite a few. Iā€™ve also visited a few of our historical sites in my city and was happy to find a few different ones there. I have quite a few sets in my favorites on Amazon, but have only one bought one set there. Iā€™m very new here, so still building up the amount of cards I can send, so for now, I have more than enough. Excited to go travel this summer and finding more in person.

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In person because I love to fell the cards. I love buying from my local vintage markets. I buy on Amazon too though.


All of the ones I have I purchased in person during my travels. We do a lot of mini roadtrips checking out interesting places nearby and I have always checked out the giftshops and collected postcards. To be honest I had no idea you could buy them online until I started Postcrossing and started hearing where other people get theirs.


I like both. They are different experiences for me. When I buy in person, Iā€™m usually in a new place experiencing a new city/country or museum. Then, itā€™s fun to just pick up mementos of the visit and know Iā€™ll be able to share them with others.

Buying online can be cheaper and usually gives me the opportunity to support local shops (Etsy) or create my own designs (Zazzle). I also collect vintage cards and have the best luck finding those on eBay.

Fortunately, I donā€™t have to choose between the two :slight_smile:


I enjoying all the ways. I love to thrift them, buy online, and at stores that sell them for tourists etc!!! I think support small and reuse. So those are my 2 favs. Thrifting and local.

Iā€™ve been buying in person. I live by some gift shops and drug stores that sell postcards and I make it an event - go for a walk, get a coffee, buy some postcards. I just started postcrossing and donā€™t know how often the inventory changes so I may get bored and move online eventually.


I have never bought postcards online, but I might try one day. I love those postcards they sell in some book shops, often by not so well-known artists. They can be quite expensive, so I donā€™t buy too many at once.


I prefer buying in person as I usually buy postcards from places Iā€™ve been, whether itā€™s travelling to another country, visiting museums/galleries, etc. Plus, I live in Japan and this is a postcard-loverā€™s paradise (in addition to stamps, washi tape, pens, etc). There are so many places that sell postcards, even if itā€™s a small display, so I really donā€™t have a problem buying them. And even though Iā€™ve seen Gotochi cards before, I didnā€™t know the name of them until joining here, and now Iā€™m kind of obsessed with collecting them for myself and to send to others, so that means more visits to the main post office branches.

However, since re-joining Postcrossing this year I have bought a few cards online because I wanted more variety of cards to choose from to appeal to different peopleā€™s interests.


It depends :slight_smile: I do a lot of trips and when I am somewhere I try to but local viewcards.

Other thing is to refill the card stock with cards of planes, ships or special animals. Then Ebay or Amazon are my best friends :slight_smile:

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why etsy? vs print on demand?

Iā€™ve found a lot of great illustrators on Etsy that I enjoy :slight_smile:


I prefer to buy in person, but I have found few places that sell them around here so I also buy online. I can get some from the local national park at $1/card, which I often visit to go hiking, but those are very specific to that park which fits a lot of wishlists but not all. I have some of the box sets like Disney, or New York Botanical Gardens to offer more variety. I have also been Postcrossing for over 12 years so I have accumulated my stock over time. Oh and my mom will look for cards when she and my dad are travelling because she knows I like them. There is a local antiques store that sells vintage cards but most of them are $3.00 or $4.00 each which in my opinion is too expensive.

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I would love the opportunity to buy them in person, but i just cant find them in my town :pleading_face:


I live in a tourist area. EVERY shop sells postcards! Every attraction sells postcards. I buy in person.