Do you keep duplicates in stock?

Some cards I have 25 times, just because it’s cheaper to buy them in a package. That might be touristy cards that I buy online or some series cards (especially when it’s an international online shop and the postage is high).
And when there’s the “perfect” profile for that card, I’ll send it. And when there are three profiles in a row that ask for such cards I send the same card three times in a row. Why not :woman_shrugging:
I really don’t care about my sent-wall as I also send cards that I don’t like myself but are asked for very often (such as the Inge Löök cards for example).


Your sent wall looks really good. I have a whole lot of Van Gogh in mine, but I don’t care as I think they are nice cards and I don’t just send a random Van Gogh. I move by profile, but many like the sea or such. So okay, that’s a sea painting.

I do have some duplicates in stock also. Especially Series postcards or Blue Cats, Inge Löök etc. They are collected by many and liked by many. So I usually buy the same card a few times of each so I do not have to order new ones too soon.

I buy duplicates more often than not. Especially Of Maxicards. Also any Royal Family postcards - these are always popular.

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I often buy duplicates of popular topics, mostly local city views, animal, flowers etc of where I live. Since postcard popularity is on the decline for tourism here there are less available than there used to be so I stock up when I can. It doesn’t bother me if they show on my wall. I have literally 100s of other topics that I’d love to send but no one asks for them! :joy:
I also buy duplicate maxicards if I remember reading wishlists with these interests.

It depends of how many duplicates I bought.
If I love the design, I buy one postcard to keep for myself. And then I send one or two for official Postcrossing and the rest is for swaps in the Forum. ^-^

For duplicates I usually keep some in stock (especially the more popular viewcards and shaped mailboxes!) because I find that it is easier for me: I don’t get to go out to the city area often!

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I’ve received duplicates and kept both! I also have many cards from my local farmer’s market that I send, so I purchase copies and keep them on my sent wall.

I have loads of duplicates:

–Amazon sells state cards in packs of 20 of the same card (I bought 5 different packs)

–One online retailer I’ve used sells only in sets of 5, but the cards are lovely and quite inexpensive

–I bought a ‘lot’ of 1,000 cards from eBay - the seller said there could be up to 20 of any card, but I didn’t receive more than 5 (and for 8 cents per card I couldn’t argue!!)

–I came across 1,000 of the same card on eBay for 99 cents, so yeah, I bought them! :woman_shrugging:

–My family up in New England sends me blank cards all the time, usually 10 - 20 of the same view.

–Plus, I just discovered MOO and had some of my own photos made into postcards. I have about 20 of each different photo

I have over 10,000 cards. If each one was different I’d never find the ‘one’ that I was looking for!

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I have many duplicate cards, so obviously I don’t care about having doubles on my wall. I like to buy several if I like the design. Some subjects are asked a lot, but are not available in my area a lot of different designs. Like a tractor or ambulance. But most of the time, because I just like it.

There are of course a lot of cards available, but I don’t like having to shop for them and often buying a set is cheaper.

I have some duplicates, but not many. I try to avoid the same card on the same wall page if possible, but cannot control the order in which they are registered.

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I have many duplicates, especially cards that I like a lot and also series postcards.

Yes - both to postcards and stamps.

I mean, they are the same cards/stamps but are going to different people, so by all means.

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I do keep a handful of duplicate postcards. Many Postcrossers want cards that show where the sender lives, and there are only so many view cards of my town – so I buy multiples of the nicest ones. I also have multiples of some Lantern Press cards, since those are popular. Since the recipient is a different person each time, I don’t see any problem with this.

As for stamps, I always choose 3 different domestic “P” stamps (3 x $0.92) to go on every international postcard. That way the recipient gets to see a range of Canadian stamps. I try to find stamps with themes that they like; if that isn’t possible, I just choose 3 attractive ones in an assortment of colours and styles. Canada Post seems to pour most of its creative effort into domestic stamps, rather than the single $2.71 international stamp, so there are always lots of choices of interesting stamps to share.

P.S. The odd country out is the U.S.A., where it only costs $1.30 to send a postcard, rather than $2.71. For those cards, I use “United States stamps”, since for me it’s the most cost-effective option. (Sorry guys.)

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I recently bought some amazing Christmas postcards. They are really hard to find, so if I didn’t want to send suplicates, I could only send 6…