Do you have a second-hand store, or a thrift store in your area? What's your best postcard find?

I never thought to look for postcards in thrift stores. Thank you for the suggestion.

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Check free bookshelves for Bookcrossing in your area. People leave unwritten postcards there, as well.

There are also gift boxes in many cities in the world. My partner found lots of postcards for me in Berlin, Germany and brought them by train to Gdańsk, Poland. These blank postcards were true travellers, without the stamps, but with the train ticket :slight_smile: Some of the cards will definitely go back to Germany, as they have funny quotes in German. Furthermore, it is much cheaper to send international postcards from Germany, rather than from Poland. I will use the travel mode…

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I haven’t found one selling postcards. Only for clothes in Asia I think.

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In my area there are 2 thrift stores, one sells cards for 5 eurocents each and the other for 10. One time i found a book with postcards for 20 eurocents😃


I stumbled across these three postcard books while on a postcard hunt in the city today.

Boy, did I strike gold! Based on the copyright dates they’re close to 20 years old! :star_struck:

$3.00 for 36 postcards, and I’m stoked to send them!

Does this classify as sound #PostcardMath? :money_with_wings:


Awesome find, @400050! I know how exciting it is to find even a few neat cards in an unexpected place. Happy 4 U! :dancer:

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I love to op shop (thrift) postcards. I found these books of cards at a local Savers here in Melbourne Australia :australia:


I haven’t found any postcards in my local thrift stores. At our local Friends of the Library store, I have found a few postcards but none had views of my home state. I’ve purchased a few postcards of my home from a collector but many are very expensive and since I don’t consider myself a collector, I purchased a few cheaper postcards. While traveling I have found marvelous postcards of entertainment genres in second hand stores,


What section of half price books do you find them in? I’ve asked at my local store, and they didn’t know of any in store, just directed me to a section of new stationary they sell. There are a few postcard books listed as available in that location, I’m just not sure where they would be in store and it would be nice to browse since I’m there once a week anyways.

They used to put the postcard books on the stationery and gifts shelf at my local store, but recently I’ve found them in the non fiction art or travel section (depending on the theme of the postcard book


I go to the local Goodwill/Salvation Army occasionally… we have about 5-6 that I can visit in a day of thrifting. I rarely find postcards but have found some cute vintage stationery sets recently…

And found these at an indoor flea market a few weeks ago. Thought the Avon postcards were a fun find!


There’s a wonderfully weird curiosity shop in my neighborhood. When I first signed up I was very excited to go there and see what postcards they had. Sadly there wasn’t much. It was rather disappointing.

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Keep looking! One of the things I love about Postcrossing is “the hunt”. I have had plenty of fails when looking at flea markets, bookstores, ect, but then when you find that amazing, unique prize, it’s all the better. Can’t wait to hear when you do score a nice find!

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I was on a business trip to Wisconsin last week and found an antique store. He had an old drawer with a couple hundred old “true vintage” cards in it. About 1/4th of them were sent and written - and I love those for my own collection, the history and the cool stamps. The others I plan to use in a Vintage Round Robin or for people who actually request vintage or black & white. Some are close to 100 years old and still in fantastic shape!
I made an offer and bought them all, including the drawer, which I love almost as much as the card find! Will add photos after I get them out of the cloud. :grin:

you find a box of old/ odd postcards in a 2nd hand shop. do you go through it? or buy the lot?

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Do you buy cards from 2nd hand charity shops?

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I do buy them. It’s a haven of finding unique cards. I go through them as I don’t want to buy just anything, but cards that I like that I think someone else would like as well.


Unfortunately it is not common to find postcards in second-hand shops here, but if I go abroad and see a second-hand shop, I always look for some postcards :slight_smile:


Yes definitely, I haven’t been lucky enough to find a box full yet but have grabbed many individual ones stashed in with the greeting cards :grin:

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No! Never!

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