Do you consider the culture/politics of a country when choosing a card?

Maybe I overthink. Or I could just put a card into an envelope. Example. I drew a name of someone who said they like to read. I have a set of cards all book related, and many show images of books/titles/authors/libraries. But then I worried that maybe there was censorship. So I used a card that showed interesting libraries because it showed one from their country, but then After writing the card I googled the library and it supposedly had been closed down. :slightly_frowning_face:

I even think about the stamps too. Just wondering what others think. Thanks!


I do think about it but not so much about choosing a card, but more about what I write. It’s good to be interested in the country & the person you are writing to, including doing some research, but most postcards are pretty straightforward images & not problematic.

The one thing I try to do, if requested, is put the card in an envelope - I suspect sometimes that request is a way to protect against censorship or protecting their privacy.

If you’re sending them something they like & request, it’s pretty hard to go wrong eh?

I follow politics quite closely, but I know most people don’t and you don’t have any idea usually what their politics are, so I usually don’t comment on recent events, unless I get some clear info from their profile of their interests or views.

Remember this is a fun hobby, so don’t worry, just go with your gut & you’ll be fine most times.


I’ve had the same thoughts when sending Penguin Book covers, especially of books that make reference to politics, communism, or have explicit covers. If I found someone who likes them but lives in an authoritarian country, I’d place them in an envelope like @LC-Canada suggested.


If I was concerned that sending one of their requested cards could get them in trouble with their neighbors or the government, I would message them to ask if they would want the card in an envelope. Or if I didn’t want to spoil the surprise, just send a different card that they would also like.

In terms of causing offense, I generally avoid stamps and postcards that celebrate war, unless someone specifically requested them.

Ultimately, if it’s something they request, presumably they would be happy to receive it.

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I usually don’t think about that. Instead, when someone mentions religion a lot in their profile, I’d rather choose a “uncomplicated” card, as it recently happened to me. I don’t want to hurt people’s feelings because I don’t have insight into such things, myself being an atheist without so much knowledge about different religions.


Generally I only think of this if it’s mentioned in the profile. I do remember a couple of instances where someone requested a certain type of card and on receipt stated it had been considered inappropriate and sharpied away. I would in this case double check before sending anything similar to the same region. Most people tend to be aware of it and mention it in their profile if it’s relevant.

no i don’t. but i don’t think i have such cards that i have to think about twice. i don’t have any card with religion (maybe churches but i keep them for people who specifically ask for them), war or politics. or bad jokes. i wouldn’t think twice about sending cards with books to anyone who asks for books though. though now i’ve come to think about it maybe i should. like is it okay to send mulan to china?

i wouldn’t mind a card with a library that has closed at all. in a few years that’s considered vintage and very cool :nerd_face:

only thing i try to remember is not use my red pen when writing to asia, as i’ve read somewhere that is not okay.

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I think I would refrain from certain images when sending a card to a mostly muslim country.

Images perhaps, but I definitely tried to be mindful during holiday/Christmas season not to wish people in mostly Muslim countries a Merry Christmas.

We use Happy Holidays/Season’s Greetings a lot in Canada as it can cover off Hanukkah, Kwanza, Diwali & other religious/cultural holidays that aren’t Christian & it can be more inclusive.

It’s also good to wish people good wishes for their specific holidays , if appropriate, like Eid Mubarak or Happy Hanukkah for example.

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What I’ve realized living in Turkey is that even “happy holidays” is weird when there aren’t any holidays around that time period. I mean, New Year’s … but it’s not usually included in “happy holidays” and also not really something you wish someone in early December. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah, I’d include New Years in the holidays and sometimes the holidays are just days off work, not an actual statutory or religious holiday.

But yes, I sent some cards to Turkey during that time and I may have said something about the New Year or a wishing for a better 2021, but nothing else.

Usually I focus on the profile and completely forget whatever I know or don’t about the country’s situation when I pick a card.

Therefore, I am happy when someone includes in their profile a notice if there is something to avoid, Otherwise, for example, if I got a Postcrosser from a strict Muslim country I might completely forget that images of people could be problematic.

I wouldn’t send a “problematic” card in even an envelope, especially if it could really get someone in trouble (card of a sexy nude male to a guy in a country where homosexuality is illegal, for example), even if the profile said “send these cards only in an envelope.” It hasn’t happened often, but I have had envelopes damaged or opened along the way, and I would really hate it if my card got someone in trouble.


I once got an address for someone in Germany and pretty much the only thing on their wishlist was a postcard of cathedrals. The only postcard I had which matched their profile was a postcard of the ruins of Coventry Cathedral - an old iconic structure which now stands proud in the city centre.

Coventry is a nearby city which was heavily bombed during the Battle of Britain in WWII and the cathedral was destroyed by the Luftwaffe during the “Coventry Blitz”. I have sent a few of these postcards telling the story because I am fascinated by the history surrounding it. However, I was very hesitant and unsure if it was acceptable to send this specific card and story to Germany, so I didn’t send it. But that also made me sad because I couldn’t fulfill their wishlist.

I personally would be delighted to receive a similar postcard from other countries to learn about our past (good or bad), but it’s difficult to understand how the other person will acknowledge this.

Honestly, how would you feel regarding this situation? I would really appreciate to hear opinions.

Here is the postcard:

I really like your thoughts, but as a German who is very aware of our history I can only say I would have been totally okay to receive this card. It’s part of our history. So don’t feel shy to send it, it would mean that the war is somehow not over.


As long as you don’t blame the recipient a la ‘look what you (your parents/your evil country) did’, I think it would be fine. In fact, it is said that Germans are among the nations that are most aware of the dark facts of their own past. Maybe even the nation most aware.

Imho, the best text would go something like ‘how lucky we can be that we found much better ways to treat each other, let’s hope that peace will remain and grow stronger all over the world’. Something acknowledging the past, but looking towards the future.


Exactly! <3

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Unfortunately it’s difficult, here, to find postcards, and so I don’t have many choices. I only be careful about people’s requests in their profiles.
And I try to do the best to make them happy, not only for the postcard, but even for the content :grinning:

I’m not sure how I would feel about receiving this card. The card itself is really pretty, but if you write something along the lines of “this church was destroyed by the Germans in World War II” I don’t think I would feel comfortable. I guess it depends on the person but it’s better to be safe than sorry!

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I really like the card and I know the story of the Coventry Cathedral. I would avoid writing ‘the germans’ because not all germans bombed the church or agreed in what happened during wartime. I would write - if you want to mention it - ‘the nazis’ . Or only say: the cathedral got destroyed during WW2.I think most people will be aware who threw the bombs.

@GrapeGirl I think you asked a good question. Yes I do consider if a card or the words I write might hurt peoples feelings or bring them in danger because I’ve met so many refugees from all over the world, even from countries you might think are safe.

Postcrossing though is a hobby and should bring joy to you and the person you write a card to. I think if you stick to someones profile and avoid talking about politics you’re quite safe. And I would avoid telling about LHBGT or send a card with this theme if a person lives in a country where it’s forbidden even not send in an envellop.
Luckely most of the time you don’t have to worry about that and just enjoy choosingand writing a nice card. Just have fun.


@meidans, @juanaviviane, @Stevyy and @Akua2909, thank you. I didn’t send it, I was concerned that no matter how I wrote it, it may be taken the wrong way! Of course, I would not be pointing fingers or blaming people. My country has done some horrendous acts in the past and although I would be excited to learn about them, I understand not everyone can feel the same. I really appreciate your thoughts on this!