✅ Display username in the Message panel

Sorry, you are right — this is due to the change done on this topic. You’ll need to use the forum search instead.

It must be a problem with Chrome and some other browsers, CtrlF is just working fine with Firefox. So it’s not a Discourse issue.

I tried it with:
Firefox - working
Chrome - not working
Edge - not working

That’s interesting :smiley:

Sometimes CtrlF works in the forum when using Chrome, sometimes not. I just tried it twice in this thread. First time I got the discourse forum search option. The second time I got the proper browser search option.

This is really wonderful!!! :smiley: Now it’s really easy to go thru the messages and to find the one needed. Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

I think the same logic would be very useful when viewing the bookmarks.
Here are some of my bookmarks:

Now I can see avatar of the person who started the topic. What I’d like to know is who was the last one to tag/post, and the username shown beside the avatar would be great.

I don’t know if this has been discussed already somewhere…

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Any chance of getting the user name added to the mobile layout? I don’t have a computer, so I can only access through my phone.

I hadn’t noticed that there was no username/avatar on mobile. This seems… quite an oversight. I have reported this to the Discourse team so that they consider updating this.