Delivery/Registery Failure

What about accounts that are active but when you look in their received cards, they have not registered any cards for many months? So, in this case, it is not the delivery but for whatever reason they are not registering their card. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt in that they received and enjoyed the card but simply do not register their cards.

On a funny side… A forum postcard for me made its way from Slovakia and took a detour in Arizona, USA which is 2000 miles away from me. The kind receiver forwarded the card to me in an envelope. I have no idea how that card made its way to Arizona AND was delivered as their address had nothing in common with mine.

I have an official domestic card like that. Looking at his Received list, it appears he is on vacation.

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They might have been inactive, and not gotten any card, but now are active and will get their cards soon.

Or, they at one point got more cards than sent, then catched up slowly, not getting cards for few months.

Or, there was a mail strike, not possible to get mail.

Or, members looked that they “don’t register” their cards, and didn’t even send any.

Who knows?


I guess everyone has his*her own experiences concerning expired cards.
In my personal expired statistic most losses occurr to US, China and Russia, regardless the activity of the postcrosser. But maybe it only seems most losses, because they’re also most frequent drawn adresses.

Inside Germany I didn’t observe any losses so far, and cards (also send from other countries) seem to be quite fast. There is also no unusual frequency in delivery. All mail to me arrives as usual.
But of course I cannot know about cards travelling to me and expiring.

By the way there is a discussion about expired cards here: Expired Postcards

I’ve always wondered why I sometimes get postcards with the neon orange bar code printed on the front! Those make me so sad, especially on beautiful cards!