Dehradun Postcrossing Meetup - 15 August 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Dehradun
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Nature Science Initiatives, 36, Curzon Road, Dalanwala, Dehradun
:calendar: DATE: 15th August, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 3-5 pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:


  • Connect with fellow Postcrossers and philatelists
  • Introduce postcrossing and philately to kids and school students
  • Explore each other’s collection and gain insights :love_letter:

You are most welcome to bring your collection or a part of your collection to show it to the participants.

Also, please bring along some pens, postcards, stamps, washi tape, stickers, and anything else you’d like.

It’s a perfect day to share stories and reconnect.

Contact details:
Tripti Agarwal
WhatsApp: 9650840475

Satpal Gandhi
WhatsApp: 9557599966


:clap::clap::clap:Will attend.

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Thank you for your efforts for introducing postcrossing to school children. Have a nice time.

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Not finalized yet… Shall be updating that shortly…

Meet-up in Dehradun, what a Wonderful news, even if you guys release or not, i would like to receive a souvenir card with your signatures, let me know if you would like to exchange :heart_hands:
Thank you so much, have fun at meet-up


Sure… I will be happy to send a card… Please dm me your address…

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Hello tripti,
It’s great to hear that, you people are conducting a meet up at dehradun. Would love to swap the meet up card!
Have a great time :smiling_face:

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Hi Priya, I will be happy to send you a meetup card. Please DM me your address.

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Can I get a meetup card?
Thank you.
Good luck with meeting. Have fun.

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Sure… :slight_smile:
Please DM me your address

Hi All,

This is to inform you all that the meetup place has been finalized for our August Meetup. Please note the below

MEETUP PLACE: Nature Science Initiatives, 36, Curzon Road, Dalanwala, Dehradun
DATE: 15th August, 2024
TIME: 3-5 pm

Looking forward to meet you all.

Happy Postcrossing!

Best Regards,
Tripti Agarwal

The meetup cards are ready too…


Is it possible to swap this card (the bottom one) please.
Greetings from Poland,

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Sure, Please send me your address. Will be happy to send it :slight_smile:

Thank you all for your posts. would love to share with you the meetup card. do share your addresses to me or to tripti. we will be glad to share our experiences too.

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Hi Priyadarshini, I am glad that you have received the meetup card. Thanks a lot for the confirmation. Happy postcrossing!
Best Regards,

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Hello Hemang ji, The meetup card was sent to you too… hope you will also receive it soon. Happy Postcrossing!

Best regards,

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Sure Joanna, I will send you your meetup card. please share your address


satpal gandhi

Wow!! I just received the meet-up card on Friday!! Only just in a week from Dehradun to Rajkot!!
So fantastic :heart_eyes: thank you so much dear @TGPOSTCROSSING :blue_heart:

Missed this event.

Is it possible to get a meetup card …

Love to exchange with recent meetup card of Bangalore.
