Customs forms fromUS overseas for traveling notebook

Yes, I need to send some paper items overseas this month and will try a small mail envelope to see what happens, but what I really want to know is do they charge extra for a customs form as they tried to before. . I am going to a different post office this time. I tried to research this online but really there were conflicting answers. I just can’t afford to pay $40 to send a few paper items that aren’t expensive.

Thanks for responding!

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the form itself should not cost money. i send a ton of packages internationally to canada so i often will ask the window clerk for a stack of the forms so i can have them on hand and just prefill them out before returning to the post office with my packages. you also may also be able to find the custom forms available in the lobby (should be near where the other forms ex. mail hold, change of address, etc are). you can also fill one out online and print it as well.

the $40 postage may just be the going rate for sending a package to that destination? i like using usps’ postage calculator if i am not sure about what it might cost.

best of luck and let us know how it goes!


Agreed. You’re not paying for the customs form; you’re paying for an international parcel, which requires a customs form. I second @sarahaeyo’s advice to use the Postage Calculator. Your best bet for staying under $5 is to stay in the Letter category. As soon as you move into Large Envelope or Package, you’re looking at $40 for 1 oz.

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