Creating a "post-bridging" section

In this case, this very topic might be the right one to be declared as bridging topic, where all the issues, of which @bendoodle is talking about in the quote, are discussed.

Btw, I got a little confused about the terminology and went back to this post: Forum User Guide
When I said “thread” in previous posts, I meant “topic”. Could you, @bendoodle, help me what you mean by “section”. A topic or a category?

I feel that a topic would suffice. We can discuss this.

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I think it is fine not to be in favour of the bridging-thing. It will be only interesting to a subgroup of postcrossers: Those who would like to communicate beyond restrictions and those who would like to help.

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Yeah, my terminology was a little confusing there. To re-phrase that:

I feel a specific category for these types of “bridging” topics to reside makes a lot of sense to me and is a good suggestion. Topics related specifically to this “bridging” are all over the place currently (mostly in Help! category, but some other places as well). So harder to find without a lot of searching through past threads.

I really only chimed in with my support of the suggestion, as too often I read posts in these topics with unconstructive negativity, so felt the need to offer some support with this. This specific topic is in the suggestion category, so don’t think this is the right place to talk about bridging itself, just the idea of having a dedicated Category. But now felt like I’ve beat a dead horse (as we say) on this :sweat_smile:

It is all good though, no worries!

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Thanks for clarifying, Ben!

If it is the case that requests for bridging restricted postal ways are currently distributed over the forum and possibly sometimes discouraged, then I am in favour of having a dedicated space for those request and offerings to help. Whether that’s a topic or an entire category is not important to me.

However, I am somewhat new to the Forum, so I don’t know how these kinds of things work. Do we need the involvement of an admin (e.g. to create a category), or should we just try it ourselves? Once there is a dedicated category or topic, we should make interested people aware of it. One way (although maybe not the most efficient), is to reply to people who are offering or asking for bridging help, that they could additionally post in the dedicated topic/category.

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