2 November 2024 - Cow cuddle Meeting Alphen aan den Rijn

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Alphen aan den Rijn, Zuid-Holland
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: De Wite Gravin,Korsteekterweg 12, 2407 AG, Alphen aan den Rijn
:calendar: DATE: 2 november 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12.00 until maximum 18:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

On 2 november 2024 I, Joyce ( @HealingSteps ) will host a meeting :cow: Cow Cuddling :cow:

This meetup is more an experience then just a meetup :cow:

Do you love cuddling? And do you love cows? Then you should come & cuddle the cows with me :cow: :smiley: :cow:

What will we do:

  • At 11.45 we will meet at “the Witte Gravin”, a farm in Alphen aan den Rijn
  • At 12 we will go inside, and have lunch, there will be bread & toppings for on the bread
  • We will sign the cards & books after lunch
  • Then we will get explanation, the do’s en dont’s about the cow cuddling
  • We will change ourselves in overall and boots (they are there for us)
  • We will cuddle (or just touch if you would like that better) the cows
  • Cleaning the boots & getting out of the overalls
  • And then we will have closure of this day by talking a little about our experiences with something to drink and a little piece of cheese they make at the farm themselves.

Public Transport:
The farm is not reachable by public transport. There is a trainstation in Bodegraven, if you would not mind to arrive a little earlier, I can arrange to pick you up at the station, and bring you back to the station when we are done.

if you come by car, when you reach the farm and drive between the house & cow shed, you can park at the left side behind the shed (there are parking plates at the wall so you will know where to park)

Cow cuddling: €65,-
Lunch: € 12,50
Meetup Card: € 0,50 cents each.

All paid in advance via bankrequest/tikkie: one for the cuddling, and one for the lunch & cards.

Meetup Card:
will be placed here and in the whatsapp group I will create for this meeting.

Card A:

Card B:

What’s more:
Nice to know is that there is a little shed where they sell fresh milk, their own made cheese, eggs, (frozen) meat from farm in the neighbourhood, and more.

A maximum of 10 people can join this meeting, to be assured everyone gets a real experience:

  1. HealingSteps - Joyce
  2. Meidans - Maria
  3. Muppet450 - Rachel 25x A en 25x B
  4. Carolien25 - Carolien 15x A en 15x B
  5. Leentjebuur - Leni
  6. Soundstorm - Ellen
  7. Caterp1llar - Elvira
  8. DorienV - Dorien

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


Leuk idee. Bij deze geef ik me op. Mijn gedachten enzo heb ik ingesproken.
Nice idea. I register myself. I’ve spoken a personal message on the answering’machine’ of your phone


Please count me in.

Ik wil graag van je aanbod gebruik maken om vanaf station Bodegraven mee te liften.


I Definitely agree to you dear :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, the experience of meet-up is more greater than just signing cards.
And it’s cow cuddle meeting :heart_eyes: wow, we used to have a cow in my childhood :pleading_face: and i have a very emotional bond with cow, so if possible let me know if you would like to swap this card with me from cow cuddle meet-up :pray:

Have a wonderful day


Cow cuddling mean u will cuddle them? Like brush them and actually cuddle them? Aww :star_struck: we had cows and calf here, and I used to play with them giving them grains to eat and also stroke their neck and brush their heads. Aww. This brought fond memories. Thank you :star_struck::heart: cuddle them extra on my behalf pls :hugs::heart:


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! :cow: Off course I would like to swap the card with you, just send me a pm with your address and I will make sure you get one :smile:


We will! :cow: Thanks so much for sharing your memories :pray: so nice to read :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I would love to come and travel with you from Bodegraven if possible


I wish I could come! I love to cuddle :cow: :cow2:!!!


@meidans @muppet450 en @Carolien25 jullie staan op de lijst :smile:


Even I want one cow cuddle postcard :face_holding_back_tears::heart:


Off course, just send me your address via pm and we will arrange a swap :smile:


Hoi Joyce, mogen Leni - leentjebuur en ik - soundstorm op de lijst? Nog even o.v.
Dank je wel.


@soundstorm en @Leentjebuur jullie staan op de lijst (ovb) :smiley:

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Count me in!

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@Caterp1llar you are on the list :smile::cow:

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Cow cuddling sounds so cute❤️ I believe the meet-up will be amazing!
If anybody is up to swap the meeting card, I’ll be super happy👀
Best wishes,
Elza xx


will send a pm

Voor mij mag ovb er af, ik ben er graag bij. Ook graag een lift vanaf station Bodegraven

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@Leentjebuur ik haal de ovb eraf, en de “taxi” staat klaar die dag :smiling_face:

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