** CLOSED with picture update ** French school students need you to discover the world

I will send one from Texas, USA and it will be in French as I studied a LOT of French in college and continue my lessons with Alliance Française here in Dallas, TX.

I would LOVE to know what are the classic French children’s books or what children’s books are most popular, if you don’t mind taking a few minutes to share with me.

Wishing you and les petits a lovely week : )

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Fantastic! Thanks a lot :pray:

Thank you so much for this lovely gesture! :bouquet:

That’ll be so sweet of you. Thank you Ryan :pray:

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Thank you very much Karin! My little students will be very happy :smiley:

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My students will be amazed to receive a card in French from the US! Thanks a lot :hugs: I’ll reply to your question in DM but I need some time to prepare a full answer (I’m on holidays at the moment). I hope you’re fine with this. And thank you again for your kind concern. Je vous souhaite une belle journée :sunny:


hello! I am conducting a similar project with children of the same age. The guys and I will be happy to send a postcard or an envelope with drawings (the children do not know how to write yet, so I sign the address, and the children draw). I live in Russia. If you like my offer, then write what will be more suitable for you. a postcard or an envelope?

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Hello there,
I love this idea! An enveloppe would be magical. I’m sure my students will want to write/draw you back. We will study Russia from November to December :blush:

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I’ll send a local postcard from my hometown in California! I can make it an envelope and add a card from Guatemala since I used to live there, if you would like :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much for the kind attention. Getting an envelope with the extra card from Guatemala would be wonderful :rose:

I’m sending a postcard from Barcelona today. I’ll be in French :slight_smile:

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Hello, I will send you a postcard from the Netherlands, province of Friesland.


Fantastic! Thank you very much!

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Thank you very much! :sunflower:

Sending a few cards in an envelope from New York City. JamesC

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Thanks a lot James!

Merci beaucoup !

Je l’envoyée aujourd’hui!
A bientot!


Merci beaucoup :relaxed:

Just put one in the post from Missouri USA!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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