[CLOSED UPDATED THREAD STARTED] Direct Exchange for my High School Students in Los Angeles

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Hello from the Gulf Coast.
I’m in Florida in a tourist Beach town. I’d like to participate. I’ll pm.

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I’d love to :slight_smile: I’m in Australia. I’ll send my address your way.

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Hi! I’m an American expat living abroad and when I was growing up I never imagined I’d get to see outside the U.S. Just getting outside one’s city/state can do so much for broadening horizons and perspective. May all the postcards from around the world be inspiring to your students. I’d love to help with your project!

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Thank you so so much for all the enthusiasm everyone! I am replying to everyone via PM, if you haven’t send me a PM yet send one my way! :smiley:

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Hi, I’m from Indonesia and interested to join this project :blush:
I’ll send you my address.

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Hi! I’ll send you my address, I’d love to do a swap with your students. I’m from BC, Canada so that’s one province to scratch off :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m from Belarus and I’d like to support your project!

I’m a British expat living in Tokyo. I’d be happy to swap.

PM sent

Good luck with the project.

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hi teacher I’m 17years old.I want to find a pen pal. I come from :cn:China.Please contact me~ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:thank you very much :crazy_face:

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