Logging in issues/ forum slow?

Is anyone else having issues logging into the forum … like it’s taking forever and once in the forum the site is running really slow ? Just wondering if anyone else is having issues or if it’s just me . Thanks !


I think it’s just busy - a lot of people using it right now. :upside_down_face:


I actually found it very slow all day. The site didn’t even load maybe five hours ago, and when I tried to edit a post it took about half a minute for the edit window to open.

Right now it seems about okay to me …

Edit: Or not so okay after all - saving this post took several seconds and when I wanted to edit it to add what I’m just typing, the window again wouldn’t open straight away but only after 5-10 seconds. Not that I can’t wait that long, it’s just normally much faster.


Finding it really slow for a few days, thought it is the network to be blamed but it’s actually the forum. Logging no issues so far though but forum is so slow. :sob:

Error code : Due to extreme load, this is temporarily being shown to everyone as a logged out user would see it.



First I thought that it was caused of my cable connection.
But when I went outside for mobile Internet the situation did not changed :frowning:

Feeling frustrated :woozy_face:


I’ve been getting the same problems here. And occasionally, when I’ve tried to post, I get an error code (52, or 502? Sorry, I can’t remember.) It took me 3 attempts this afternoon to successfully post a post.


The forum was extremely slow for me all day. Running in “bad gateway” messages a lot when sending PMs or trying to upload pictures.

I don’t know about log in issues, as I hardly ever log out of the forums.


Well it sucks but good to know it’s not me! HA!


Very slow here as well…

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Yes, since last night (15 April).
When I go to https://www.postcrossing.com/ things get loaded normally (= fast).

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Yes and I also had problems last night & very early this morning x

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Yes, same. And yesterday I had the forum completely crash for awhile. The regular PostCrossing site was operable (as was checks on my router, and other websites).

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I have the same problem with slow pages for the past two or three days

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It’s been such a pain lately glad it’s not just me though ha


Yes! Just typing a reply on here I had to wait a while. But also when I look for a particular user, It is hard to search for that person or I get an error. I was thinking “wow, this person must be popular or something for me not to be able to see their profile”. Then after a couple min to hours later, I just figure it’s a website issue. I hope it works itself out soon because I am yet able to look at certain people’s profile (to send them a card they’d like). :grimacing:

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Slow like a :turtle: !!

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Yes, I’ve noticed for some time now that it’s getting slower and slower. sometimes I even have to close the page completely and reopen it because the groups just won’t load…i use my phone for postcrossing


Still having the same issue this morning :frowning: x

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My internet download and upload speeds are already extremely slow and prone to disruptions due to my internet provider, so I don’t notice the forum slowing down at all.
For me everything is as usual… unfortunately… :expressionless:

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Sometimes Forum gets slower and it takes lots of time to open a thread or just site to load, and even if i had written Message and press reply button it takes so much time to update

But i understand that it might be due to server load so i leave and do other work and use forum at other time when load is stable:)

Ps. Being an Electrical Engineer is also about load haha!!