[CLOSED for Sign Ups] 🎅 NA Secret Christmas 2023 RR

Received from @Triol :owl:


Received Christmas card from @Triol. Beautifully decorated :slight_smile: Thanks Olga, hope you enjoyed your holidays as well!

Congrats to @Annazon and @MuttleysMom for receiving all cards! And to @Wynnie for all cards arriving!

UPDATED! :santa:


Reporting - card came yesterday but my PC was shut down for tornado watch!!
Thank you, @AlbertaGirl71 for the adorable little winter birdie. I love it!

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Congrats to @AlbertaGirl71 for all cards arrived and to @Wynnie for receiving all cards!

UPDATED :santa:

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Reporting in :partying_face:

I received a card from @StrawberryKiwi today! Thank you so much :smiling_face:

Woohoo! Another card came in while I was on vacation! Thank you @Yelena for the lovely postcard and holiday wishes!

I have received my final card from @Triol! A great illustrated card showing Santa in a hot air balloon! Thank you!

UPDATED :santa:

@Tynesha - Thank you for this festive card and your sweet message!

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#15 hazygirl
@triol sent a super cool dragon

Updated :santa:

I received another card! This time from @Triol Thank you for the postcard!

Thank you to @Cocosmom for the fun card!

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I received my last card today from @Triol I think someone dropped it in a puddle, it was a wrinkly envelope with faded writing! Im glad it made it! It is very cute!

This was very fun! I enjoyed doing it! I cant wait for next year! Or in July if others are interested! I bought 7 boxes of Christmas cards that were on clearance after Christmas! Im stocked up!!!

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Looks like USPS is still working to get holiday mail out to their final destinations, haha!

I received my final card today from @ellistrations :partying_face: Thank you so much! Like the card, I spent my Christmas doing A LOT of baking haha!


@CrimsonKing @ellistrations @uconn @TwoDoggies @Yelena @Annazon @Angeldreamer @Triol @mon23 @Tynesha @StrawberryKiwi @Krissy313 @Beachyblonde @Hazygirl @sarahaeyo @KimberKS @MuttleysMom @potatertot @Cocosmom @AlbertaGirl71 @Wynnie @TrvlCat @sraelling @jennyjennyjenn @June22 @hibiscustea

Are any of you interested in participating in a Secret Valentine RR? Please let me know by liking this post or commenting, if you are, and I will put one together. :smile:

UPDATED :santa:

Oh also, congrats to @Cocosmom for all cards having arrived to their destinations and…
@Beachyblonde @AlbertaGirl71 @jennyjennyjenn @potatertot for receiving all cards for this RR!


That sounds fun!

I’ve received the last two cards for this group from @triol and @Angeldreamer

THank you.

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Congrats to @TwoDoggies for receiving all her cards!

UPDATED! :santa:

Rules for Secret Valentine have changed slightly, so be sure to review them if you’d like to join!

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