CANCELED: 17 September 2022 - (North Seattle area) Lake Forest Park, WA - Pets of Postcrossing meetup

I would like to know when the cards are ready. I would like to buy 5 of them. Thanks.
Kay Burrell

I missed the deadline to order. Is it too late?

This is canceled. I apologize for the inconvenience.

If you’re interested in reviving this meetup for 2023 I’d be interested in attending and helping to plan! :blush:

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I love this idea! Anyone interested in doing this in March 2023? @bitsofbrokenhearts - are you interested in doing this? If so, I’m happy to purchase 10. I can’t attach images, but can point you to their Instagram account :slightly_smiling_face:

If not, I can draw creative interpretations and have them printed/for sale for $2/each - and while I :black_heart: Third Place Books LFP {or any location!}, I’d probably pick something a little closer to the Eastside, still Northish :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope we can organize something!


Hello Seattle Postcrossers!

I’ll be hosting an April 2023 event with a fun, inexpensive postcard design in a brand new new post thread :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope to see you there!
