Best online shop to order postcards in Austria?

Hello lovely Postcrossers!

I’m looking for webshops for postcards in Austria. I already looked at the online shops wiki at this forum, but there are no entries for Austria yet. So I decided to ask here!

My partner is studying in Austria for a couple of months and we send eachother a postcard every week. However he’s run out of postcards to send me and wants to order some online.

I hope you can help me and maybe we can also extend the online shops wiki this way!
Lots of love!

Hello there,

even though it is not Austria but the neigbouring country Hungary where I am from, but there is a decent little family-run webshop
I got my Xmas present of 50 cards in a bundle for a relatively friendly price postage included. They also give you 15 % of discount when ordering for the first time.
Check it, you might like it. :slight_smile:
Another option that I have just found is in Russia. They offer a huge variety of cool cards, even cheaper
I am planning to order some cards from there.
Hope you will find some great card here or somewhere else,

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Hi Anna,

Thank you so much for your reply! I’m sorry for reacting so late to it. I didn’t get a notification and didn’t see your reply.
These seem like good alternatives to try out! I will look into them. Not just for my partner but for myself as well :wink:

Thanks again!
Warm wishes,

We have this thread in the German speaking subforum:
“Postkarten online kaufen: Onlineshops im In- und Ausland”

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