Appropriate profile picture?

I usually follow a simple guideline for myself: if you can avoid making people feel hurt - avoid it.

If the subject was an orange or a dwarf - triggering factor would probably be around 1%. But guns are made for violence, and that’s a fact.


Thanks for all the responses! I really like the discussion this started. I want to reply in more detail soon as I have more time but I have some more thoughts I want to share now.

I’m personally very anti-gun and interested in politics in that sense too. In Finland the laws are more strict and guns are only associated with hunting.
But for example in USA the culture and politics are very different and like someone said, guns are firstly associated with violence towards humans. And like the war going on, in some countries that might be the first thing that comes to mind.

This is the reason I made this topic. Because if we were only in Finland, I wouldn’t have relaly thought about this. I would have explained that my picture is a cosplay, and explained what it means. But as soon as we step over the Nordic bubble I see how many different views we have.

And like form many comments I see Europeans be more “open” and Americans being more reserved about guns. Which I 100% understand, so it’s just inetresting and important to see how we see things differently.

If I post the photo I would make 100% clear that it is fictional and not meant to be intreperted as violence. I would explain what is cosplay and who is the character and from what fandom. And also make clear I am politically anti-guns.

Thanks everyone, will be responding soon with more detail.
The character would be Rosita from The Walking Dead. Here is a picture of her with a gun. Not the one costume I cosplayed but first one I found on google.


It’s good you linked the photo style (or is it this syle? I thought when you wrote “pointing”, you were aiming?). I was just thinking here we are discussing about a picture, that we don’t know how it looks :sweat_smile: because the gun can be almost hidden, or then maybe other extreme, sexualised or threatening.

I think you are aware of the situation in Sweden, which now is “out of the bubble” :frowning: But of course not because of hunters.

But, if I were to see that style profile picture, I would assume it’s you, and you hunt.

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Avatar, it’s your right.
Not so long ago I changed my avatar.
Now it’s a wolf,a very aggressive beast.
And how do you like this one avatar?
An absolutely calm.
I’m from Ukraine, where the war has been going on for half a year.

How about you use the picture anyway and paste on a cat or an emoji or anything you like to cover the offensive bit?

I know it’s always hard to find a good self portrait (mine is twelve years old by now!) so a bit of censorship could be helpful here. Maybe even a speech bubble or something related to the photo or yourself? That way you can express yourself without offending.

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We don’t celebrate Halloween in my country so I wouldn’t make the connection. I would think you are someone who likes very creepy stuff :woman_shrugging: You definitely won’t get banned for the picture.

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You would be surprised at the complaints we get about the tiny avatar images. They are scrutinised by members.


I very much am some one who likes creepy stuff lol. And thanks! :smiley:

I agree! It just got me thinking a lot.

These are good points, which is why I would make sure to explain it first thing in my profile. Which is also why this got me thinking about this whole thing!

Me neither. But this is a fictional character I am playing. It is different even thought it might not seem like it. Which is why I would one again, explain it.

I totally understand this and this is the kind of comment I guess I needed. The world doesn’t revolve around USA so I don’t think I owe to do anything, because you see it different than I do. However, it costs nothing to be emphatc and sensitive towards other which is why it would be important to consider this as Americans are a big part of the Postcrossing community.

How I see it that it shows my love for TV and Movies and how I like to show that: cosplaying. I also love “photoshoots” and looking badass so I really liked those pictures. The gun is highlighting that it is a fictional character, who uses and likes guns in the show. For me this would be a clear indicator that I’m playing a fictional character, while otherwise it could seem like a normal picture of me.
However I see that for many people guns are not purely “fictional” and out of the world concept which is why I started thinking about this.

For example if I saw someone else like me with a similar profile picture, I would assume it was a cosplay. But it might be someone who is hunting or posing with their actual gun. But that would definitely not be my first thought.

I think this is a little harsh as I would explain it in my profile, but I understand you. If you only saw the picture, of course you might think that.

My thoughts as well! In the picture I am smiling while pointing the gun (not exactly at the viewer, but close) so I don’t know where that sits in this scale…

I agree. I once received a card with a hunting theme and it made me a little uncomfortable. In my culture that is more what I associate with guns, rather than violence againts humans.

I am and I feel stupid not realising this! Times are changing. I should’ve said my “finnish bubble”…


I think the expression of ‘self’ is quite important. I do know guns are not liked by everyone. However, how many movies do feature guns? When we look at Hollywood movies, I think there’s not many that do not feature guns. This is where your cosplay comes in to play. You’re cosplaying something that already exists, so it’s like you’re mirroring something that already exists. The character you cosplay, I assume there’s a big chance that people might see that character elsewhere? On billboards, online commercials, trailers etc?

I do think if you want to show that you like cosplaying and that’s an important part of your life. That you should go for it. After all… I think we all watch mass media that has guns involved. I am curious if those that voiced their opinion against such a profile pic, do watch series/movies that feature guns.

So I think the way you see it is proper. It’s probably a cosplay. Especially if you’re dressed up in a certain way. To be posing with a real gun… I guess it depends on the way you look in the picture and such. Facial expression and body language.

I am afraid, I could not identify the photo as cosplay and here in the forum I do not see your profile, but I see the photo.