Add a Preference to limit Postcards to just your country?

I think it’s quite cool to send postcards internationally! But I feel like I would want to focus on sending postcards to my native country only. Is that possible? I live in the United States for reference.


No. But you can enable “repeated countries” in your settings and the chance are high that you get many US and German addresses. :slightly_smiling_face:
That’s the closest you will get to only USA.


Officially, no.

If you only do swaps, then yes


You can also attend Round Robins and tags in
North America community.

There is a Russian postcrossing site in Russia. Where you can send and receive in your country. Perhaps there is something similar in the USA.


Hi Nahlan,

maybe this is then something for you:

And there might be more…

Good luck,

A “domestic only” option would counteract the international approach of Postcrossing, so I am against this option.


The option of only sending cards domestic would not work for a long time for me. Even if all the domestic users were active, after sent a card to all of them, I would not be able to send anymore cards domestic.


I would actually appreciate this. It’s a nice option to have when you need to save some money but still want to participate in the hobby. Even getting postcards from my own state, from cities 90 minutes away, brings me joy. However, as a student, I can’t always afford to buy international stamps (especially as the price was just raised AGAIN for the second time this year!). Again, this is a preference that people would need to opt-in to. I doubt many people would use it but it would be great for those who’d like or need to.

If you prefer to send domestic mail you can take part in tags and round robins in the NA subforum.


It’s not the same. I like contributing to the project on the website, adding to the ID #s, and having the statistics on my page for me to look at. Plus the vibe is just different when you’re writing to someone from the forum vs the website. I still enjoy sending internationally but again, it’s an option for people.

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Not for everyone - only the big 5. Would this be fair? No! Look at the comment by @marit_la above yours.


As an Aussie, i would love this idea.

Cost is an issue as well as connecting with other ‘locals’, I would be lucky to send 2-3 cards to another Aussie in a year