8 June 2024 - Summer international meet up in Vitebsk

Добавил. Приходите, будем рады вас видеть!)


Today is my birthday and I would be very interested in the swap.

About 60 people attended our meet up. We signed more than 2500 postcards. Belpost took part in our event so our participants could buy cards, stamps and souvenirs produced by our post. Also we cancelled our cards with special postmarks and sent them from the place of meeting.

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Thank you very much @Alla19 for your 2 excellent meeting cards with wonderful stamps and super postmarks! :star_struck:

Thank you so much for thinking of me! :hugs:

It’s lovely to see the photos with so many happy Postcrossers! :smile:

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Would someone exchange cards animal and train with Italians postcard meetup? Best regards Cosetta Italy

Ищу обмен :wink: Anmelden | VK

Ищу корги, но в Вашем альбоме нашла интересное )))) какая открытка заинтересовала?

Добрый вечер! Я бы рада обменяться на все три :grinning: Я собираю встречные открытки. Что из моих вам понравилось?

В ВК не дает написать, мой акк VK.com | VK

Hello all Postcrosser, I write from Italy, is there anyone willing to exchange your beautiful Meetup cards with Italian tourist cards ? Thank you, I hope for an answer.
Greetings CARMINE