30 December 2023 - San Francisco Meetup + holiday party

I’m going! It will be my first meet up so I’m super excited!

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I hope to be there! This will be the first meetup and I can’t wait to meet fellow Postcrossers! Thanks for the invitation. Enjoy the holidays, everyone!

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I’d like to go! Sign me up!
thank you,

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I’d like to attend. I’m a new Postcrosser from Marin. I’m amazed at how big a community this is! Thanks for organizing this and hope to see lots of new faces to close out the old year.

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So, I haven’t had time to sit down and work on a design for the card yet, but… what do you guys think about those meetup cards that use the space on the FRONT of the card for the signatures? :thinking: I just received one today from China. This is what it looks like.

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I think that’s a fun idea! As long as it isn’t too slippery for the ink :smiling_face:

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I’ll be visiting family in Oakland, so I’m excited to join you and meet fellow enthusiasts.
Kay from Seattle, part of the Puget Sound Postcrossers group. :mrs_claus:


Still tossing around ideas for the card design - am open to ideas!
I was thinking since it’s been “the year of AI” maybe having an AI designed card with some of the classic AI flaws - views and designs that don’t exist in real life, etc. - or is that too much of an “inside joke” to work for a meetup card? :grimacing:


I’d pass on that. What if not everyone has a stamp? I love having an image that reflects the place or occasion of the meetup. And please make a designated line on the back for a “From____”. So many meetup cards are crowded with stamps/signatures and it’s impossible to tell who sent it. :slight_smile:

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It’s OK if everyone doesn’t have a stamp. You can sign your name, initials, etc. Most people end up getting a stamp eventually once they experience the pain of hand-signing hundreds of postcards in a sitting. :sweat_smile:

And I agree re: having a place to put the “from” !


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@kimakoi - I don’t think it would be too much of an inside joke! You’d just have to pick one with very noticeable AI mistakes. The four city designs that you’ve posted look flawless at first glance to me ha.

Or maybe say that the image was generated with AI on the card back?

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I’ll be in the bay area next week but unfortunately not during the holidays :frowning:
Hopefully I can make it next year!

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I like the first 2 designs.
Also, I am planning to attend and bring my husband along.

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The AI designs look so cool!


I like the AI idea


I like the first and third images, but they don’t imply AI to me since human artists rearrange things to make a pleasing image. It’s just artistic license.

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No. I’d rather have the AI. We are getting close! The printers might be too busy to print the cards if we wait longer. Just saying.

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Hi , i might go but i need to check out my work schedule , but i want to go but i will let you know ok

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Here is what I have. I wanted to include one of those images where AI screws up the hands! lol. Too busy?


couple of slight variations…