29 October 2022 - Guildford Halloween Meetup 🎃

Could I order 20 postcards please?!? :jack_o_lantern:

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Of course :blush:

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looking for an exchange! I can offer you a counter of Stavropol on October 30)

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Is it too late to order 5pc =£1?

@JennyAssis I couldn’t find the invite to reply.

Is the museum far from the station?

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@seaview It’s not late! It’s right 5 postcards = £1.00
I’ll add you at the list :jack_o_lantern:
The museum is just 10 minutes walk from Guildford train station.

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hello is there a chance to get this one for exchange for another regulars or Halloween oriented from Poland?
Will be looking forward to hearing from you,Eugene

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Would love to get one for swap, any chance available? Eugene

Hi friends,
I would like to exchange a postcard from this meeting with one of you for one of the postcards from the meetings in Slovakia (Hurbanovo, Košice, Bratislava) Thank you and I wish you a pleasant meeting, for me these are always wonderful moments! Have a good time! My email: e.balaskova@gmail.com

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@charzevans @anon59326037 @Maddymail @seaview @sajinghan @kelpie

Last minute update …
All the pubs open at noon 12am.
The Guilford museum open at noon.

Please vote in suggestion 1 or 2.
Suggestion 1 - meet at 12 am in the Guilford museum and at 1pm go to the pub till 3pm.

Suggestion 2. - meet at the Guilford gallery at 10am (free entry), after go for a walk at the castle ground (free), 12am visit the museum (free entry) and 1pm pub.

Sorry about that.

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I prefer 1. Meet at 12noon

Thanks for arranging @JennyAssis

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I have to leave at 2 as I have something on at 3 in Dorking. Why don’t we meet at the pub first to sign the cards?
Then go to the museum?

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What about we meet at a cafe at 10am signing them had to the museum?
I really don’t want to change the time 10am-2pm. :cry:


Unfortunately, I won’t be able to come to the meeting this time for a different reason. Sorry! :frowning:


Understand want to keep the 10am-2pm timetable @JennyAssis

Since there are 6 of us, I am sure a cafe can fit us at 10am.

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It’s true, I’ll check which coffee shop we will meet and update the main post.

The plan is signing the postcards 10am - 12am🖋️ at Tattam’s (6 Tunsgate, Guildford GU1 3QT)
https://maps.app.goo.gl/Dz7yH9eEeXYiBuri9 and
visit the Guildford Museum (free entrance) 12:30 pm - 2 pm.

See you all at the coffee shop Tattam’s!


I might be late for a while because of traffic delay😢 I am already in the train

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No worries, will be waiting for you

I’ll be 5 mins!! :jack_o_lantern:

I hope you all had a brilliant time at the meetup :smiley: :jack_o_lantern: :postcard: