26 March 2022 - Swiss Postcrossing Meetup 2022 in Spiez

I would love to come to the meeting!
A great oppertunity for me as I cant leave my dog too long at home alone.
And I live at 10 minutes drive away from Spiez!
If there is place, please count me in…

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I love to swap

Please count me in as well :blush:

Hi Sara
I answered you via mail!
KR, Thomas

Hi Wilma
I sent you an e-mail via Postcrossing on Monday.
Still waiting for your answer.
KR, Thomas

Would anyone be able to send me a card from this meetup?
I can exchange a San Diego Meetup card.


I would like to join too the meet up. I suppose there aren’t any places left still I hope there is one more for me.

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Sent you a mail via Postcrossing account

Sorry, I can’t reply all swap offer, yet!
I’m really busy with the organisation of this Meetup & I still got a job :slight_smile:
But there are enough meetup-cards printed!

Unfortunately, I’ve been tested positive for Covid, so I can’t join this Saturday. I hope you’ll have a great time!

Do you interested to swap?
Here some of my offer

allegra :smile: i like your postcard :heart_eyes: can we swap?
i can offer this meetup postcard, stamped with signatures of the partecipants:


please let me know, thank you very much :smile:

Hello! Is someone interested in swap? I can offer some meet- up cards from St.Petersburg or anything from my swap- album на обмен – 520 Bilder | VK

Thank you @schneggisabrina, @azzurri and @Nissemor for 3 wonderful cards from this meeting. :smiley:

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Lieber Thomas, liebe Postcrosser

Vielen Dank für eure super coole Karte aus Spiez! Beim nächsten Meetup bin ich gerne dabei. :heart::raising_hand_woman:t2::mailbox_with_mail::world_map::+1:

I would like to thank @nissemor for her beautiful meeting card with nice stamp.

Thank you very much for the beautiful postcard. It’s such a pity that I couldn’t join you all, due to the unmentionable virus. I have almost completely recovered now. It was such a pleasant surprise to find a card from the Meetup in my mailbox!

Danke @ninnle für Deine Karte, auch wenn du leider nicht teilnehmen konntest.

hello, some one would swap with me?

hello, dou you want swap with me?
i like superman, batman wonder woman and dottor strange holmes

this my offer: