20 Apr 2024 - CLOSED - REGISTRATION IS FULL - Bordentown New Jersey Meet-up

Happy this is your first meet-up. See you in April!

Hello everyone! 20 April is right around the corner! The excitement is building!

I have a few reminders and/or action items.
Thanks to those who have already completed.

*If you have not marked yourself as GOING for this meet-up, please do so.
That helps me plan a few things.

*For those attending the group dinner, do ensure payment is received to me by 13 April. PayPal, Venmo are the preferred options.
Reach out to me for the digital payment information and/or if you need a different payment option.

*Help the cashier!
Let me know how many meet-up cards you are interested in purchasing.

Reach out if you have questions about the meet-up, the group dinner menu options or about the Bordentown area.

See you soon ---- Always - Barb

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I will attend April 20 meetup. Thank you.


Can’t wait to come back to Bordentown!


I will be attending! I will be needing meet up postcards, will message you on fb! Looking forward to the meet up!


Group Dinner after the meet-up.

RSVP and Payment by 13 April 2024.
I will be giving a headcount to the diner.
So far, there’s 18 individuals attending dinner – 8 payments.
Thanks for those who have sent dinner payments.

Look for a message from me if you provided a YES RSVP and I have not received your payment.
If your plans changed and you originally said yes and now can’t make it – no problem.
Just let me know.

I’m excited about the meet-up.
See you all soon.


Registration is now closed.
Looking forward to seeing everyone.

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Final reminders

:poultry_leg:Group Dinner

  • Dinner RSVP and payment is due Saturday 13 April 2024.
  • Venmo and PayPal is the digital pay options.
  • Reach out to me if you need another pay option.
  • So far, there’s 50% of the meet-up attendees doing the group dinner.

:postcrossing:Meet-up Cards

  • Advance order of meet-up cards are appreciated.
  • Cash, PayPal or Venmo is accepted.
  • Can pay at the meet-up – see the Cashier (Mike) for the meet-up cards.

Many thanks to those who have RSVP, sent payment and/or ordered meet-up cards.
This helps me organize the event. I’m really excited about the meet-up!
Looking forward to seeing returning friends and meeting new friends.
Barbara – BPLUM


Sending all who is attending contact information in case there’s a last minute cancellation or running late. Look for that message from me. Thanks. Barbara


Thank you @LovelyLindaPost for the postcrad and all the Participants =)

Happy Postcrossing