CLOSED 18-5-2024 Meeting Tourist in Volendam

:world_map: CITY/REGION: NL Volendam
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Café de Dijk, Haven 108, 1131 EV Volendam
:calendar: DATE: Saturday 18th of May, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:15- around 16:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
(if you are new to attending meetups, please let us know, then we can inform you in advance, so you don’t get overwhelmed and come prepared that day)

Hi fellow Postcrossers,

At this meeting we are going to be tourists in our own country.
On saturday 18th of May (be aware it’s the weekend of Pentecost, in Dutch: Pinksteren) we (Ilse/ Jaynillo en Mar127) are organizing a meeting in Volendam.

Gathering between 10.15-10.30
We gather at a bench with a statue of a sitting grandfather
We will be there at 10.15

The yellow line indicates the walking route from the Volendam-Centrum bus stop to the bench with the statue of the grandfather.


10.15 gathering
10.30 walk to the Café de Dijk (1 min)
10.45 start stamping/stickering/ writing cards (max. 20 cards each)
12:00 lunch
12.45 writing/pasting booklets
15.00 Volendam photo shoot in traditional clothing.
The photos will be ready around 16.00

We will lunch in ‘de Dijk’
It is not possible to order and pay separately.
So you have to order and pay the lunch in advance.
Drinks and other servings can be paid for with a ‘tikkie’ at the meeting.
!!! the toilets are located one floor below and can only be reached via a staircase with 2 handrails. If you are unsure whether you can attend this meeting, please contact Ilse for more information.

Group photo in Volendam traditional clothing
For a 12 person photoshoot, we pay each €10,50 and receive each a photo of 13x18 cm, to be paid in advance.

created by
The postcards will be paid in advance, you’ll receive the postcards at the meeting. You can order as much postcards as you want, but we sign only 20 postcards from each.
*(it’s not possible to order meetingcards if you’re not attending the meeting)

We would like to create a WhatsApp group where we place the meeting card, you can order lunch and we send the ‘tikkies’ for the costs of the cards, lunch & Volendam group photo
After you have registered and we don’t have your number yet, please send a private message to @Jaynillo with your mobilenumber

Important - We are aware that a meeting requires some consultation at work or at home, but make sure that you can convert your reservation to definitive participation at the latest 5-4-2024.
! We are bound by deadlines regarding the payment of the meeting postcards.

There will be room for 15 people maximum.

1 Jaynillo - Ilse :sailboat: 2 kaarten :white_check_mark:

2 Mar127 - Mar :sailboat:20 kaarten vinkje :white_check_mark:

3 Annerie - :sailboat: 30 kaarten :white_check_mark:

4 Fio_postcards - Fiona - :sailboat: 20 kaarten :white_check_mark:

5 Vintagemila - Mila​:sailboat: 18 kaarten :white_check_mark:

6 Carolien25 :sailboat:20 kaarten :white_check_mark:

7 VictoriaIris - Mariska :sailboat: 20 kaarten vinkje :white_check_mark:

8 FleurenIris - Iris :sailboat: geen kaarten

9 Florisca - :sailboat: 9 kaarten vinkje :white_check_mark:

10 Muppet450 - Rachel :sailboat: 20 kaarten :white_check_mark:

11Pareltje21 - Marjan :sailboat: 20 kaarten :white_check_mark:

12 Healingsteps - Joyce :sailboat: 20 kaarten :white_check_mark:

13 Anne24 - :sailboat: 21 kaarten :white_check_mark:

14 Belske - Christel :sailboat:30 kaarten :white_check_mark:

15 Postcrossingbo - Bo :sailboat:40 kaarten :white_check_mark:

:white_check_mark: = betaald



1 It’sdunnies/Dünja

2 lotti_r_s/ Lotti




:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


this sounds fun, I would love to join


Gezellig Annerie, ik zet je er gelijk bij.


Oh leuk! Ik doe graag mee!


Ik kom graag :two_hearts:


Zullen we samen de rol van Kniertje op ons nemen tijdens de shoot, ‘de vis wordt duur betaald’.
Fijn dat je erbij bent.

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Misschien moet je toch maar dichterbij komen wonen…
Gezellig hoor, lukt het Jessica niet?

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Kom heel graag


Wat leuk dat je komt en er zo’n lange trip voor over hebt.
Ik zet je erbij.

Leuk! Iris (IrisenFleur op postcrossing) en ik (Mariska) komen graag


Leuk en gezellig zo’n meidenverkleedpartij voor op de foto.
Ik zet jullie erbij.

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Nouuu ik had dezelfde gedachte!! Ach jaa, gelukkig is het reizen te doen met de auto van mijn man.

Mag ik ook op de lijst (ovb)? Lijkt me erg leuk. Ik moet nog even zien of het haalbaar is om er zo vroeg te zijn.

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Ik hoop dat het luk voor je. Misschien is het haalbaar met iemand mee te rijden. Ik zet je OVB erbij

Please count me in


Hi Rachel, eindelijk kom je ook een keertje naar een meeting van ons. Leuk.
Ik zet je e4bij.

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Leuk! Ik zou graag willen komen!


Ja hoor Marjan, je bent erbij.

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Dat hoeft natuurlijk niet, want een man erbij zou ook zeker leuk zijn, dus kom jij er ook gezellig bij? :blush: