18 - 19 November 2023 - Florence meetup

I will meet you tomorrow at the station and we I shall pay you in cash.
Excited to meet you all

Hello, as I told you last time I wrote you, we had to fix the number of participants at the cafĂ©, and we can’t add anyone last minute.
I called the owner and said no to my request of adding a person .

I’m so sorry.
I can’t say see you next time, that is quite improbable, but I wish you all the best and a nice time in Florence.


Well,atleast I can meet you all, and take the meet-up card right, click a group pic
I am sure we can do that without sitting in the cafĂ©. By the way what’s the name of the cafĂ© ?
Thanks and regards

The program of tomorrow is
9,30-10,30 am circa we’re visiting the Mucha exhibition at the museo degli innocenti. If you’d like to join this is the website to book the visit

If you are not interested, we can meet at the exit.

See you!

Alright I will see you there. Thanks

I am here at the entrance of the museum with hat on.

Ecco che il meeting Ăš ormai concluso da qualche ora e i postcrosser sono rientrati tutti nelle loro zone di residenza.
È stata un’esperienza allegra e colorata, vivace e intensa, come un meetup deve essere!
Quasi 1000 cartoline firmate, chiacchiere, scambi e decorazioni varie.
Ci siamo, come ù nostro solito, anche impegnati in attività extra, quindi abbiamo scritto, scritto e scritto 
le penne erano fumanti, come ha detto qualcuno!!!

Grazie a chi ha animato questo weekend apportando quel calore umano e senso di vicinanza e appartenenza che dovrebbe essere alla base di postcrossing :heart:

@ElsaThor @larangel80 @Tizy78 @GiusyFlora @Oceanfun @Scama @EmanuelaVictoria @SpiritoAffine @marina71


Wonderful Meeting in Florence ! Thank you @Oceanfun for giving us your warm smile !!!

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Thank you for accommodating me and for a wonderful time together at the museum and the café.
Hugs to you all.
Be in touch.

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