11 May 2024 - Postcrossing Meeting Velehrad

Hello! Would anybody like to swap this beautiful card with me after the event?
I can offer anything from this list offer – Google Drive or send you a card from the latest meet-up in Ufa or one with Alice in Wonderland from the Russian online meeting

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Hi Vladena,

I would like to join. Please add me to the list. I will take 25 cards. Thank you.


Hi! I collect meetup postcards and would love to swap for this beautiful design. I have this one available.


Hello! Would anybody like to swap this beautiful card with me after the event?
Here is my swap album: tv2qtya | Zonerama.com

ahoj všem! poslal by mi někdo aspoň 1x pohled nepodepsaný v obálce do Plzně? Když je možné 2x budu velmi ráda :3 Kdyžtak napište SZ.

I would like to swap if it’s possible!

Hi Kayce!I’m interested in this meet upcard can I swap with you?:smiling_face:

Ahoj, omlouvám se, nejedu na Velehrad, přijedu na 16,30 do restaurace Net i s manželem. Liba -Libara

Thank you @danube and @zuzulik for your super beautiful cards from the meeting with great stamps! :smiley:!

I hope you had a fabulous time! :hugs:

Danke liebe Zuzana @zuzulik für die schöne Karte vom Meetup :hugs:

Many thanks to Zuzana ( @zuzulik ) and everyone who signed the lovely meeting postcard! :smiley:

Hello all Postcrosser, I write from Italy, is there anyone willing to exchange your beautiful Meetup cards with Italian tourist cards ? Thank you, I hope for an answer.