FULL ----- 10-02-2024 High Tea Party - Rijen - Noord-Brabant

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Rijen, Noord-Brabant
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: our house, adress you’ll get in private message
:calendar: DATE: 10-02-2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

hello postcrossers,

On Saturday February 10 I am organizing a high tea party at our home.
The start will be at half past twelve. ( 11:30 )

the station is ± 20 minutes walk from our house.

if you come by car then you can park here by the P if there is no space in the street itself

All participants are asked to bring small snacks.
take into account 2 snacks per person.
This can be made yourself, but also bought yourself if you are not a kitchen princess or are pressed for time.
If you already know what you want to bring or make, you can of course already indicate this.

A small contribution of 7.50 PP is requested in advance for drinks.

there will be tea in various flavors.
but there will also be cola, ranja, water and iced tea, all normal, so no zero or light products.

Between snacks we will stamp, write, sticker the cards and books and have a nice chat.
meetupcard will be announced in the whatsapp group - price will be 0,55 cents per card

Please note: a group app will be created on WhatsApp at the end of December, so that I can contact everyone quickly
can keep informed, the meetupcard for this meeting will also be included there.

PS: we are also celebrating @Unicorn2002’s birthday that day. (She Turns 12 years old) :partying_face: :partying_face: :unicorn: :unicorn:
Would be nice if you can bring a small present :gift: or card for her :heart: she like’s horses,unicorns and sour candy

:arrow_right:PPS: this little devil is also at home so keep this in mind if you are allergic to dogs. :arrow_left: :arrow_down: :arrow_down:

there will be room for a maximum of 8 people.
1 Rowena2403 - wafeltjes en worstenbroodjes
2 Frankie - stokbrood met kruidenboter
3 Unicorn2002 - cupcakejes met muisjes/spekjes en dan nog (zand) schapen en stitch koekjes
4 Lenajan - wraps
5 irisenfleur - Cakepops
6 Victoriairis -
7 NancyP
8 Carolien25



ik kom ook

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Graag OVB
Bak waarschijnlijk iets van koekjes

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Please count me in
Ik denk nog even na over wat ik meeneem

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Iris (IrisenFleur) en ik komen graag (ovb eerst nog, moet nog overleggen met taxichauffeur :wink:)

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Ik zou ook graag willen komen.
Ik denk nog even na over wat ik meeneem om te snacken.

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Ik cancel mijn aanmelding.
@rowena2403 Wil je mij van de lijst halen en iemand anders de plek geven?
Dank :hugs:

Ik moet helaas mijn aanmelding ook cancellen.
Het dan ook carnaval!

Please count me in

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Ik wil me graag voor deze meeting opgeven, moet wel nog denken wat meebrengen, iets echt Belgisch

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I thought i signed up for this but i would love to come :grinning:

Wat ik wel al weet dat ik een leuk cadeautje meebreng voor @Unicorn2002


Super lief van je natasja

I would like to come, i can stay with my daughter, who lives in Rijen.
So i dont have to travel long or far :smiley:

Oeps now i read better, i cannot be there, i am super allergic to dogs
So sorry you can take me from the list please

Hoi Rowenna,

Zou je mijn plekje aan iemand anders willen geven. Cadeautje voor Roxanne stuur ik je wel!


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@Lenajan je staat nu op de lijst voor 10 februari

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Je mag mij van de lijst halen, ik kan niet

Hi, can I please on the waitinglist? OVB

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je komt gelijk op de lijst :smiley:

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