1 October 2022 - World Postcard Day 2022 São Paulo

Greetings from Minsk!
Is there anyone here who would like to swap a WPD card with me?

Swap made - thanks!

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just sent you a message!

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Luzia, tem como adquirir o postal no dia? Ou cada um imprime? Estou levando vários do WPD 2022 “geral” que mandei imprimir. Desculpe a pergunta de novata :rofl:

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Oi Samara! Tem sim, também mandei imprimir do WPD. Aliás eu queria saber quantos vc vai querer do postal do encontro que já deixo separado. Só dizer. R$ 1,00 cada

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Eu vou querer 15 postais! separa quando estiver disponivel me avisa tambem

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OI Luzia, por favor, separe 15 pra mim também. Muito obrigada!

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Luzia, é a primeira vez que me junto a um encontro! Será próximo ao metrô Saúde, pelo que vi, né? Dá para eu comprar os postais presencialmente com você lá (dos que você imprimiu)? Serão poucos que comprarei (coisa de 5 no máximo). Se tiver maiores infos sobre horário, algo do tipo “levar comes e bebes”, me passa por e-mail? Agradeço muito! fernanda.atihe@gmail.com

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Bem vinda!

Sim, Feranda! Esse é o objetivo, que as pessoas tenham postais comemorativos.
A gente se junta e ‘tasca’ assinatura nos postais todos!

Vamos fazer refeição coletiva, todos levam e repartimos! (muitas vezes fazemos vaquinha e alguém prepara, mas desta vez optamos por cada pessoa trazer algo)

E e mandei email! :wink:

Olá, eu adoraria trocar um cartão postal da reunião de Baltimore, Maryland, EUA.

Hello, I know I’m late… :see_no_evil:, but would someone like to swap with me?

Hi! If it’s not too late, I would be glad to receive this card with wishes from all participants

Querem ver as fotos deste encontro?
Aqui estão:

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Obrigada for your card @Luziaceleste

Hello All, sorry if i disturbed you :slightly_smiling_face:

I am a stamp and first day postmark collector from india collecting on covid and vaccine themes… i have been trying to find this theme postmarks from Brazil and after lot of reserches i found out that those first day postmarks are available only at São Paulo post office ( Main post office).
I have been trying to approach my philatelic friends in Brazil but they are unable to help me due to they are located very far from the post office where this postmark can be arranged…

As this group has a location of that same city, i am requesting members of this chat if anyone can help me with this 2 below mentioned postmarks, it would really be a great great help…:slightly_smiling_face:

Your small input means a lot to me. And yes i would love to swap stamps, first day covers, postcards etc from :india: India

Thanks for reading.

Exactly. Brazil is huge and few pwople have access to these sort of things.
Maybe @AnaSilvia could help you

I’ll see if there are some at the central postoffice.

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Many thanks to all for efforts you put for me…:raised_hands::slightly_smiling_face: and @AnaSilvia thanks for positive response

The postal worker is on vacation and won’t be back until May 15th, but she said she has the stamps.

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Thanks for your efforts…:slightly_smiling_face:And as stamps are available, probaby the first day postmarks might also be available right…:star_struck: for those emissions.