02 JAN 2021 ANSHAN Postcrossing Meetup, CHINA

:world_map:  CITY: ANSHAN
:pushpin:  MEETUP PLACE:MIXC(万象汇)
:alarm_clock:  DATE & TIME:02.JAN.2021 13:30
:page_facing_up:  MEETUP PLAN:Writing Postcard


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Love the Postcrossing Meet-up card! :heart: :green_heart:

Hi! I really liked the first 2 postcards from the meeting. I would like to get them into my collection. In return, I can send a postcard from our meetings. I live in Russia, in the city of Taganrog. Or send a postcard that you choose from my exchange. Are you interested in my offer? You can exchange postcards in an envelope.
Best wishes, Julia!

Do you interested in swap meetup card? I can offer you some of these

Let me know

Hi. Can i swap with someone?

I can offer cards from our meet-up.